Helpful Tips Before You Apply

Welcome! We appreciate your interest in Nova Southeastern University’s Counseling M.S. program and strive to make your admissions experience as smooth as possible. Please review all requirements below. Don’t hesitate to reach us at 954-262-7563 or by email with any questions.

A few tips before you begin:

  • We recommend that you start at least one to two months prior to the application deadline, as the admissions process does take time.
  • All documents submitted to NSU must include your name on every page.
  • Document format must be either Word (.docx, .doc) or Acrobat (.pdf) only

Minimum Core Requirements

Minimum Core Requirements
  1. Baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution. Official transcripts from all schools attended and/or agency evaluation of foreign degrees.
  2. Undergraduate or master’s degree in psychology, education, behavioral science, social work, or a related field is preferred, and/or demonstrate aptitude to work in counseling through professional, volunteer, or research experience.
  3. Grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher in last 60 semester hours of undergraduate coursework or master's degree with overall GPA of 3.0 or better; or total score of 300 or higher on combined verbal and quantitative sections of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) taken within the past five years, or other similar measures.
  4. An interview may also be required for your admission to the program.

Follow these Steps to Apply

  1. Complete your online application form.
    Click here for re-admission information.
    To access a step-by-step guide on the application process, click here
  2. Remember to send your non-refundable $50 (USD) application processing fee.
  3. Once your application and processing fee is received, you’ll be able to upload your supplemental documents to “Supplemental Documents” on your user profile.
  4. Statement of Professional Goals. The statement helps us get to know you beyond the objective data provided in review of your academic transcripts and other requisite information. It also demonstrates your ability to communicate your thoughts in a professional, organized, and succinct manner. Please submit a well-structured 800-word statement, in three distinct paragraphs (using the questions below as headings for your responses) explaining:
    • How the master's program in Counseling in your (Clinical Mental Health Counseling, School Counseling, or Applied Behavior Analysis) concentration aligns with your career goals.
    • Your potential for forming effective counseling relationships (e.g., your professional behavior, ethical values, attitude and insight,and communication style that would assist you in forming professional helping relationships).
    • Your ability to be successful in a rigorous graduate program in your selected format (in person, online, weekend/hybrid).
  5. Two recommendation/evaluations. Once your application processing fee has been received, you’ll be able to enter your recommender's email addresses. They will receive an email with a link to your application, where the recommender will complete the electronic form.
    Our Department of Counseling team is seeking the recommender's opinion on your:
    • Ability to complete the counseling program
    • Maturity and emotional stability
    • Oral and written communication skills
    • Empathy with or sensitivity to others
    • Ability to work with a wide range of clientele
  6. Include official transcripts from all colleges or universities you attended. These need to be mailed directly to Enrollment Processing Services (EPS), including agency evaluation of foreign degrees for determination of U.S. equivalence (including Canadian transcripts).
  7. Your Curriculum Vitae or Resume
  8. Submit English proficiency scores. International student applicants should submit English proficiency scores, if applicable. Visit Requirements for Obtaining an I-20 to learn more.
  9. Choosing the School Counseling concentration? If so, you’ll also need to submit this completed Teaching Certificate Requirement Verification Form.
  10. Complete the attestation statement. You should download the attestation statement to your desktop, complete/save it, and then email it to Please note that we will not be able to process your application without the completed attestation statement.

Applying for the non-degree ABA or Advanced ABA concentrations?

Application Deadlines

M.S. Counseling: Clinical Mental Health Counseling concentration applicants.

Admission to the Summer (May) 2025 semester is now closed.

August (Fall)
  • Early Decision Application Deadline1: Apply by February 15
  • Priority Application Deadline2: April 15
  • Final Application Deadline3: July 7
January (Winter)
  • Early Decision Application Deadline1: September 1
  • Priority Application Deadline2: October 1
  • Final Application Deadline3: Nov. 15
May (Summer)
  • Priority Application Deadline2: February 1
  • Final Application Deadline3: March 31

1 Early Decision will allow applicants to receive an early admission decision and, if accepted, register for courses as soon as course registration opens for the designated semester.
2 Priority will allow applicants to receive an admission decision and, if accepted, register for courses sooner than later applicants while space allows.
3 Final application deadline is the last day to apply for the program for the designated semester. Admissions reviews and decisions will be contingent on space availability in the program.

Admission term by location

MS Counseling Concentration
Applied Behavior Analysis Online Fall, Winter, or Summer
Clinical Mental Health Counseling Fort Lauderdale/Davie Fall, Winter, or Summer
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • NSU Miami
  • NSU Orlando
  • NSU Tampa Bay
Fall only
Clinical Mental Health Counseling Online Fall, Winter, or Summer
School Counseling* Online Fall only

*The Master of Science in Counseling, School Counseling concentration meets the educational degree completion requirements for certification in the state of Florida, and is a state-approved program by the Florida Department of Education. Currently, this program only accepts applicants from the state of Florida seeking Florida certification. 

  1. Your application and all supporting materials must be received by the application deadline date.
  2. Program enrollment may reach capacity prior to the application deadline dates. In this case, applicants have the option to join the waitlist or defer their application to the next available semester

Where to Mail Your Transcripts

Nova Southeastern University
Enrollment Processing Services
Attn: College of Psychology
P.O. Box 299000
3300 South University Drive,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328-2004

Official electronic transcripts must be sent to


What Happens After I Apply?

Checking your Supplemental Items (Application Documents)

  • Login to the Application Portal
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page
  • Select “4. Supplemental Items” (A list of your supplemental items will be listed)

Document Check

Please allow three to five business days for processing if your document has not been marked as received in your application portal. If this time has lapsed, please email with the subject line “Document Check” for an update.2

Application Status

After your application has been submitted (including all supplemental documents), please allow 5-10 business days for a decision to be emailed to you.1 If this time has lapsed, please email with the subject line “Application Status” for an admissions update.2

1All newly submitted admission documents are sent to a centralized university processing center. Depending on the time of year, additional days may be added to the overall processing time.

2If possible, please include your NSU# in your email.


Enrollment Confirmation  

Based on the date of the acceptance communication, all admitted applicants should confirm their Intent to Enroll by clicking here to complete the confirmation form within 10 calendar days.  Once confirmed, further communication regarding course selection and registration will be sent via email.    

Previously Enrolled? Want to Return To The Program?

Welcome back! We’ll need you to re-apply to the program if any of the below situations apply:

  • You haven’t been enrolled in classes for two consecutive semesters
  • Your GPA was below 3.0
  • You left on a non-approved Leave of Absence
  • You were withdrawn from the program
  • You were previously dismissed from the program

Readmission: Steps to Apply

You must be in good standing (eligible to return to NSU). Follow the steps below to be considered for re-admission:

  1. If you were withdrawn or academically dismissed from the M.S. Counseling program:
    1. First, review the  M.S. Counseling curriculum
    2. Then, email the Counseling Department Academic Advisor concerning the review of past coursework and your next steps.
Academic Advisor Counseling Concentration
Daiana Castro
  • Clinical Mental Health Counseling (Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus)
  • Clinical Mental Health Counseling (Orlando Campus)
  • Clinical Mental Health Counseling (Tampa Bay Campus)
  • School Counseling
Brenda Levine
  • Applied Behavior Analysis 
  • Clinical Mental Health Counseling (Online)
  • Clinical Mental Health Counseling (Miami Campus)
2. Reapply online by submitting a new NSU graduate admissions application along with your $50 application fee.
3. Submit your Readmission Essay. This essay should explain, in 800 words or less, why you’re interested in returning to graduate school at Nova Southeastern University’s Department of Counseling.

Please include discussion points below:

  • Your original interest in pursuing one of the three specializations offered in the Master’s in Counseling (clinical mental health counseling, school counseling, or applied behavior analysis) − and any changes to your initial interest.
  • The challenges you faced that caused time away from the program and the insights you gleaned from that experience.
  • Specific efforts you made towards personal and professional growth that assisted you in overcoming those challenges.
  • How the above efforts will help you successfully complete your graduate program.
  • Any potential barriers you may face as you return to graduate school and your plan to surmount such barriers.

Readmission: Where to Submit Your Application?

Office of Admissions
College of Psychology
3300 South University Drive,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328-2004


Attended another institution since you last enrolled at NSU? 

If yes, send your official transcripts directly to:

Nova Southeastern University
Enrollment Processing Services
Attn: College of Psychology
P.O. Box 299000
3300 South University Drive,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328-2004

Readmission Deadline Dates

August (Fall) July 1 
January (Winter) November 1
May (Summer) March 1

Questions about Readmission?

If you need more help, please contact our MS Counseling program team at 954-262-5740 during business hours.

Additional Information

  • Readmissions review process takes about 4 weeks once we receive all documents.
  • Dismissed students are ineligible to return until a minimum one-year separation from the program has occurred. Applicants seeking to re-apply should complete the re-application process during the term immediately preceding eligible return date and before deadline.
  • To graduate from this program, your program and cumulative GPA must be 3.0 or higher.
  • Only those courses, previously completed in the College of Psychology master’s program within the past five years with grades of B- or better and that are equivalent will be applied toward the master’s degree. Applications must be received by the deadlines posted on the College of Psychology website.

Transfer students must meet the program admissions criteria. Up to six graduate credits may be transferred into this program abiding by the program’s policy for Transfer of Credit. All transfer credit must be awarded during the student’s first academic year in the master’s program. The courses that may be transferred into the program will be determined on a case by case basis and must be deemed comparable in level, content and rigor to those within the M.S. in Counseling program. Courses considered for transfer credit must be completed no longer than five years prior to the student’s first enrollment in the program. No transfer credit may be applied to practicum or internship courses. It is the student’s responsibility to verify that courses transferred are applicable toward the educational requirements for certification and licensure.

Get help obtaining your I-20

Our Office of International Students and Scholars page guides you through the requirements to obtain your I-20 and other international admissions details.

English Proficiency

International applicants who reside outside the U.S. at the time of application, and whose native language is not English, must present evidence of proficiency in English by satisfactorily completing the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Score requirements are the same as undergraduate admission and are as follows: minimum paper score =550; minimum computerized score = 213; minimum internet score=79). A score of 6.0 on the International English Language Testing System (ILETS) exam is accepted in lieu of the TOEFL. 

Proof of English language competency can also be achieved by successfully completing a degree at a regionally accredited U.S. institution of higher education.

Credential Evaluation

Applicants who have attended colleges/universities, outside of the United States, must have their official transcripts evaluated by a NACES credential evaluation agency. The selected service must be a "course by course" evaluation.

International students are encouraged to contact the Office of International Student Services at (954) 262-7240 or 800-541-6682, ext. 27240, or by email at, or visit

  1. Complete the non-degree online application. (Select the "Non-degree" option for the question, "What level of Degree are you seeking".)
  2. Submit a non-refundable application fee of $50 (in U.S. dollars). Once the application is completed and the application processing fee has been received by NSU, applicants will be able to upload supplemental documents to Supplemental Documents on their user profile. 
  3. Submit two letters of recommendation with completed forms from professors, employers, supervisors, or similar persons most familiar with your work.
  4. Submit official transcripts from all regionally accredited colleges / universities and/or agency evaluation of foreign degree.
  5. For the Clinical Mental Health Counseling concentration: Submit a letter from the Florida Department of Health specifying desired course work.
  6. For the School Counseling concentration: Submit Florida Department of Education Statement of Eligibility for Certification, indicating course work required. Include a copy of your teaching certificate (school counseling applicants only). Applicants may request a waiver of this requirement by contacting the Department of Recruitment and Admissions at (954) 262-5760.
  7. International applicants should submit official proof of English proficiency.
  8. An interview or additional documentation may be required for purposes of screening or advisement. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that their file is complete and received by the announced deadline. Check on the status of your file with the Department of Recruitment and Admissions, (954) 262-5760, prior to the application deadline.
  9. ABA candidates must have a minimum of a Master’s degree from a regionally accredited institution to apply for the non-degree seeking ABA concentrations.

For Florida School Counseling Certification, the ten courses/content areas are as follows:

  • PYCL 0503 - Counseling Theories for School Counselors*
  • PYCL 0511 - Introduction to Counseling Techniques*
  • PYCL 0510 - Career Development and College Planning
  • PYCL 0512 - Human Growth & Development*
  • PYCL 0515 - Principles of School Counseling* 
  • PYCL 0550 - Contemporary Clinical Interventions*
  • PYCL 0571 - Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues for School Counselors*
  • PYCL 0560 - Appraisal & Evaluation in School Counseling
  • PYCL 0585 - Psychology of Exceptional and At-Risk Children
  • PYCL 0635 - Group Theory and Practice*
  • PYCL 0665 - School Consultation Skills*
  • PYCL 0685 - School Counseling Practicum* 
  • PYCL 0688 / PYCL 0689 - School Counseling Internship / Continuing School Counseling Internship

*These courses must be completed before applying for internship.

Application Deadlines

Applicants may be admitted to main campus programs for fall, winter, or summer sessions. Specific application information related to site(s) are included in a separate application packet available from the College of Psychology or through this webpage. Please be aware that requirements for supervision hours cannot be completed as a non-degree seeking student. 

How to Apply

To access a step-by-step guide on the application process, click here.

Please note that NSU reserves the right to rescind or place conditions upon admissions offers should information become available that calls into question an admitted student’s academic performance or character, including that which reflects a violation of NSU’s Code of Student Conduct.

NSU’s College of Psychology’s clinical, school, and counseling programs maintain affiliation agreements with health care and community agencies and may also place students within the NSU Psychology Services Center (PSC). These affiliations allow for student clinical training experiences required in the programs. Trainees will be required to undergo Level 2 background and drug screenings.

Please note that the university and affiliate sites have a zero-tolerance policy for drug use. Testing positive for illegal or illicit drugs, including marijuana (even if prescribed or certified by a physician), or a controlled substance for which the individual does not have a prescription, would constitute a failed test and as such, could invalidate the placement/match and result in a referral for further action. (Updated Feb 2022)

It is important to note that many agencies with whom the NSU College of Psychology partners for practicum/internship/post-doctoral residency program placements require that students show proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (including recommended boosters).

Not being vaccinated may eliminate some placements as an option and in turn disrupt the sequence of training, delay program progression, and/or timely degree completion.

Questions may be directed to the appropriate program office. (Updated Feb 2022)

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