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Applied Behavior Analysis Minor

The Applied Behavior Analysis minor is designed to address the growing need for behavior analysts in the community. Coupled with a major in psychology (or other fields), students graduate with a strong professional preparation in applied and research domains. Students are required to complete at least 90 hours of practicum experience as part of the minor. Students desiring to become certified in the applied behavior analysis field must complete additional supervised training hours to accrue the number of hours required for certification. This minor can be combined with any major and minor. A minimum of 9 credits must be exclusive to the minor and cannot be counted toward any other majors/minors/certificate programs.

Applied Behavior Analysis Minor Requirements
(18 credits)

PSYC 2300 - Behavior Modification (3 credits)

Pre-requisite for the following courses. Offered every semester (online and on-campus)

This course introduces students to the concepts and principles of behavior analysis and behavior modification techniques applied to diverse areas such as mild and severe behavior problems in children and adults, behavior medicine, organizational behavior, sports psychology, and self-management. Prerequisite: PSYC 1020 or PSYC 1020H. 

PSYC 3330 - Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (3 credits)

Offered winter semester (even year) and on-campus.

This course will focus on the basic principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA). Students will learn the philosophy and science of applied behavior analysis and their relation to behavioral interventions, the basic vocabulary and concepts in the field, strategies for measuring, increasing, and decreasing behaviors, and ethical considerations in the application of ABA in a variety of settings. Prerequisite: PSYC 2300. 

PSYC 3350 - Assessment in Applied Behavior Analysis (3 credits)

Offered fall semester (even year) and on-campus.

This course covers the selection of assessments in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), behavioral intervention strategies and change procedures, evaluation and assessment strategies, and methods of accountability in ABA interventions. In addition, focus will be placed on the experimental evaluation of interventions, measurement of behavior, and displaying and interpreting data using single-subject and small group design. The course will also address the ethical use of intervention strategies and making decisions regarding ethical treatment for individuals with a variety of challenges. Prerequisite: PSYC 2300.

PSYC 3370 - Interventions in Applied Behavior Analysis (3 credits)

Offered winter semester (odd year) and on-campus.

This course will focus on behavior change procedures and system supports for those interventions. The course will also consider evaluation strategies used in both research and in the ethical provision of interventions. It will cover a variety of effective behavioral strategies as well as measurement and assessment of strategies. Additional focus will be placed on the interpretation of the research literature to make sound decisions about assessment and intervention strategies for a variety of populations. Prerequisite: PSYC 2300.

PSYC 3390 - Single Research & Application

Offered fall semester (odd year) and on-campus.

This course provides an in-depth study of single-case experimental designs and strategies for studying behavior change in applied research and clinical interventions. The course introduces students to the origins of the group comparison approach and its limitations in behavioral research. The emphasis is placed on general issues in single-case methodology, including identifying the defining features of single-subject designs, the logic supporting the use of reversal designs, multiple-baseline designs, alternating treatment designs, changing-criterion designs, and the application of theses designs in clinical interventions. Issues surrounding the analysis of single-case studies, visual inspection of graphed data, and the generalizability of results obtained from multiple observations of single cases are also discussed. Prerequisite: PSYC 2300.

PSYC 4700 - Practicum / Supervised Field Experience (3 credits)

Offered winter and fall semesters and on-campus.

This introductory Supervised Independent Fieldwork (practicum) is designed to partially meet either the ABA minor requirements (a minimum of 6 hours per week) or partial requirements for the BCaBA certification (a minimum of 10 hours per week). Students will participate in a supervised experience that will allow them the opportunity to apply ABA principles. Supervision will take place at least every other week in an individual or group format and will address strategies for increasing and decreasing behavior. Students will be expected to collect data on their cases and employ strategies of behavioral assessment and intervention with input from their supervisor. Prerequisite: PSYC 2300. Experiential Education and Learning (ExEL): Successful completion of this course satisfies 1 ExEL unit.

The academic program and curriculum requirements listed on this page are from the the NSU Undergraduate Student Catalog. Students are bound by policies and curricula published in the catalog in effect the semester they enter the university, unless an agreement is made with appropriate NSU administration officials allowing them to abide by policies published in a later catalog.

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