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Psy.D. and Ph.D. Courses

Please Note: Course descriptions are subject to change. *Course prerequisites can be found in Doctoral Policy & Procedures Handbook.

PSY 1401 History & Systems of Psychology 3 credits
This course examines the historical progression of ideas central to psychology, the philosophical and empirical roots of those ideas, and their confluence into the predominant systems of the present day. In so doing, it covers the fundamentals of scientific thinking, their bearing on theory development, the relationship between philosophical and empirical thought, and theoretical models of historical and current significance. It also focuses on the dynamic interplay between theoretical constructs and empirically derived knowledge. Particular emphasis is placed on principles used to examine the merits of evidence that supports or disconfirms theory.
PSY 1403 Adult Psychopathology 3 credits
This course covers descriptive psychopathology and research on the etiology, epidemiology, dynamics and diversity issues of major adult and aged pathologic syndromes. It provides a thorough introduction to DSM-IV as a diagnostic tool.
PSY 1405 Developmental: Child and Adolescent 1.5 credits
This course covers issues in human development that are especially relevant to children and adolescents, beginning with the earliest aspects of development during the prenatal period and ending with the final phase of transition from adolescence to adulthood. In this course will be selected that focus on normal and accelerated developmental progress, as well as factors that threaten to impede normal development.

PSY 1407

Developmental: Adult & Older Adult 1.5 credits
This course will review developmental theories of aging and personality development in adulthood and later adulthood. Topics will include perceptual, cognitive, personality and social processes of aging.
PSY 1408 Child and Adolescent Psychopathology 3 credits
This course will provide a comprehensive examination of specific disorders and problematic psychological states during childhood and adolescence. An emphasis will be placed on the description, theoretical conceptualization, and etiology of disorders.
PSY 1409 Professional Issues and Ethics 3 credits
This course acquaints the student with the extant legal and ethical principles and standards of practice that psychologists have developed for the profession.
PSY 1412 Psychobiology 3 credits
This course covers theory, research, and applications for the following topics: structure, function, and disorders of the nervous system; physiological mechanisms and disorders in vegetative and intellectual functions; and psychophysiological methods and technology.
PSY 1416 Cognitive/Affective Bases of Behavior 3 credits
This course examines cognitive and affective processes that affect behavior. Topics include information processing, memory, attachment, unconscious processing, schemata development, bias, self-regulations, and attribution theory. The interface of cognitive and affect will be examined in relation to issues in clinical psychology.
PSY 2406 Psychopharmacology 1.5 credits
This course covers the basic science, theory, research and clinical applications of psychopharmacology. It promotes the understanding of psychobiological processes in medicated patients and emphasizes the special psychotherapeutic requirements that relate to the currently prevalent combined therapeutic approach. The clinical issues are illustrated by case presentations and the review of the relevant literature.
PSY 3403 Social Bases of Behavior 3 credits
This course studies the social antecedents of human behavior. The main theories of social psychology are examined in relation to clinical psychology.
PSY 3406 Advanced Ethics, Consultation and Supervision 3 credits
This course is intended to increase a student's awareness and competencies with ethical issues in therapy. In addition, students' consultation and supervision skills are developed.
PSY 4499 Advanced Professional Development 1 credits
To enhance critical thinking, oral and written exposition, and knowledge of career development needed to enter the profession; this course will focus on enhancing internship application effectiveness. Students will be directed in preparing a curriculum vita, conducting self-evaluation of personal and professional roles, developing effective interviewing skills, and synthesizing training, experience, conceptualization models, and philosophy. Students will learn to make application decisions in terms of goodness of fit. Course assignments include the development of written products needed for internship application.
PSY 1501 Assessment: Intelligence Testing with Lab 4 credits
The administration, interpretation, and communication of results of major intelligence tests is the focus of this course. Emphasis is placed on the many aspects of interpretation and report writing.
PSY 1502 Assessment: Interviewing 3 credits
This is a basic course on the theoretical and practical aspects of the clinical assessment interview. Emphasis is placed on development of communication skills, rapport building, evaluation strategies, consideration of diagnostic data, cultural and ethnic diversity, the mental status evaluation, and the ability to organize information in written and oral form.
PSY 2507 Objective Personality Assessment 1.5 credits
This course examines theoretical, conceptual, and methodological issues in objective personality assessment. An emphasis will be placed upon objective personality tests such as the MMPI-2, MMPI-A, 16 PF, Millon's MCMI, and others.
PSY 2509 Behavioral Assessment 1.5 credits
This course will provide an overview of current strategies and issues in contemporary behavioral assessment. Included will be self-report and monitoring, direct and naturalistic observation of behavior and physiological measurement. Application to a variety of clinical disorders will be addressed and attention directed to collateral factors such as behavioral assets and limitations and environmental supports and restrictions that often have an impact on the client.
PSY 2511 Projective Personality Assessment 3 credits
This course will provide an introduction to the theory, administration, scoring and interpretation of the major projective assessment measures including the Rorschach, TAT, sentence completion, and figure drawings. The specific value of the projective measures and associated research findings will be discussed. The student will also receive an introduction to integrating assessment materials for the purpose of writing psychological test reports.
PSY 1605 Diversity in Assessment and Intervention 3 credits
This course covers diversity issues and their implications for assessment and intervention. Specifically, it considers the psychological impact of gender, race, ethnicity, culture, religious preference, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and able-bodiedness. It includes exploration of common stereotypes and their impact on therapy. This course also includes an examination of innovative assessment methods for clients of diverse backgrounds.
PSY 1610 Adult Intervention I 3 credits
This course covers primary approaches to treating adult clinical problems, with emphasis on treating adult Axis I disorders. Interventions with strong empirical and theoretical support are emphasized; relationship factors are also addressed. Development of treatment interventions based on a wide range of conceptual models is highlighted.
PSY 2603 Systems/Family Therapy 1.5 credits
This course will cover systems theory with emphasis on applications to marital and family therapy. General systems theory, and conceptualizations from such schools as the Bowenian, Structural, and Strategic will be considered.
PSY 2604 Child and Adolescent Intervention 1.5 credits
This course covers current intervention strategies for children and adolescents. Application of theory, methods, and current research in this area will be reviewed.
PSY 2606 Case Conceptualization 3 credits
This course addresses the processes of conceptualizing case material from diverse theoretical models and translating these conceptualizations into effective treatment strategies. Video- and/or audiotaped clinical interviews, and written and/or orally presented case histories are used in class to demonstrate and provide practice in case conceptualization skills.
PSY 1703 Pre-Practicum I 1 credit
This course will expose students to a variety of client populations and will provide some introductory experiences in a therapeutic context. The course is designed to allow students an opportunity to observe clinical psychology in practice prior to their being required to assume an active therapeutic role.
PSY 2701 Clinical Practicum I 3 credits
The student is required to spend a minimum of 10 hours per week for 12 months at a selected agency(s). In this course the student is to acquire competency in the areas of interview and assessment, psychological testing, and psychotherapy.
PSY 2702 Clinical Practicum II 3 credits
See description for PSY 2701 Clinical Practicum I.
PSY 270A Summer Clinical Practicum 3 credits
See description for PSY 2701 Clinical Practicum I.
PSY 2703 Supervision I 1 credit
The student is required to spend approximately one hour face-to-face with a faculty member in an individual or small group format. The student is expected to present case material and be prepared to discuss cases each week. Tapes of therapy sessions may be required. If supervision is provided in a group format, the time is adjusted to account for the multiple members of the supervision group. For instance, when two students receive 90 minutes of supervision in a group per week, that would constitute the equivalent of 45 minutes of individual supervision per week.
PSY 2704 Supervision II 1 credit
See description for PSY 2703 Supervision I.
PSY 270B Summer Clinical Supervision 1 credit
See description for PSY 2703 Supervision I.
PSY 3701 Clinical Practicum III 3 credits
The student is required to spend a minimum of 15 hours per week for 12 months at a selected agency(s).
PSY 3702 Clinical Practicum IV 3 credits
See description for PSY 3701 Clinical Practicum III.
PSY 370A Summer Clinical Practicum 3 credits
See description for PSY 3701 Clinical Practicum III.
PSY 3703 Supervision III 1 credit
See description for PSY 2704 Supervision II.
PSY 3704 Supervision IV 1 credit
See description for PSY 3703 Supervision III.
PSY 370B Summer Clinical Supervision 1 credit
See description for PSY 3703 Supervision III.
PSY 5700 Internship 2 credits
The student is required to complete an internship, covering a 50-week period of 2,000 hours. The internship site must be accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the American Psychological Association or be a member of the Association of Psychology Internship Centers.
PSY 1807 Advanced Statistics 3 credits
This course will focus on analysis of variance strategies for analyzing data from experimental and quasi-experimental designs. Topics covered include completely randomized designs, randomized block designs, repeated measures designs, hierarchical designs, and analysis of covariance designs. Planned and post-hoc comparisons will be addressed throughout.
PSY 1809 Research Design 3 credits
The focus of this course is research methodology and scientific thinking. It covers basic experimental designs (between and within groups), single subject experiments, group experimental designs, non-experimental designs (correlational research, case studies, meta-analyses), and program evaluation. Validity issues in research (internal and external) and research ethics are emphasized throughout.
PSY 2807 Advanced Statistics 3 credits, Ph.D. only
This course focuses on multivariate statistical analyses through a detailed exploration of bivariate and multivariate regression and correlation. Other multivariate procedures such as canonical correlation will also be introduced. The course includes a computer lab that focuses on the use of statistical package(s) to perform these analyses.
PSY 2812 Multivariate Statistics II with Lab 3 credits
This course is a continuation of the content of Multivariate Statistics I and will include such topics as MANOVA and MANCOVA, classification and discrimination, and factor analytic methodology. The course includes a computer lab that focuses on the use of statistical package(s) to perform these analyses
PSY 3803 Major Paper 3 credits, Ph.D. only
This course requires the student to design and implement an original research project. It requires a prospectus at enrollment and a written final research report of results. In order for a student to be eligible to apply for an internship placement, a signed and dated Research Completion Form with a copy of the Abstract and a complete copy of the major paper must be submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs no later than the last day of Summer Session I.
PSY 3807 Theories of Measurement 3 credits
This course examines the theories, techniques, and statistics of psychological measurement. Topics covered include classical test theory, methods of reliability and validity assessment, test and item analysis, scaling procedures, test construction, item response theory, and generalizability theory. Both conceptual understanding and practical application are covered.
PSY 5850 Dissertation 12 credit
The dissertation requires the design and implementation of an original significant research project. Upon enrollment, the student will submit a prospectus to the Office of Academic Affairs describing the study. Upon securing a committee, it must be submitted to the dean's office for approval. The student must orally defend the proposal and final product. A public presentation of research results in colloquium format is also required following the final dissertation defense. Bound copies of the approved dissertation must be submitted to the Office of the Dean and the University Library. Registration is minimally for two semesters.
PSY 5851 Continuing Dissertation 1 credit
Continuation of PSY 5850 Dissertation.
PSY 4401 Clinical Neuropsychology 3 credits
The study of the relationship between brain function and behavior. Major topics include: anatomy and physiology of the human brain, behavioral functions associated with the cerebral hemispheres and lobes, neurobehavioral presentations of common neurologic and psychiatric conditions, administration and interpretation of major neuropsychological test batteries, and diagnostic examination for brain dysfunction.
PSY 4405 Clinical Neuroanatomy 3 credits
The understanding of the anatomical organization of the human nervous system is an important skill for a student of clinical neuropsychology. In this course the focus will be on those aspects of neuroanatomy that will aid in neuropsychological assessment and research. Topics will include the development, structure, and function of the human nervous system, neuroanatomical correlates of behavior, and the anatomical substrates of neuropathology.
PSY 4406 Pediatric Psychology 3 credits
This course is designed to provide an introduction to neuropathology. The understanding of the major diseases and disorders of the human nervous system is an important skill for a student of clinical neuropsychology. In this course the focus will be on those aspects of neuropathology that will aid in neuropsychological assessment and research. Topics will include the development of structural and chemical dysfunction of the human nervous system, neuroanatomical correlates of dysfunction, and the anatomical substrates of neuropathology.
PSY 4409 Pediatric Psychology 3 credits
The purpose of this course is to provide the student with a comprehensive overview of the field of pediatric psychology. Students will be taught the various roles of a pediatric psychologist functioning within the medical environment and the interface between psychological and medical services and systems. Also, a significant proportion of the course will address the assessment and treatment of children who have psychological and adjustment difficulties due to a chronic, acute, and/or genetic medical diagnosis, and the relevant medical intervention
PSY 4410 Psychology in Fiction 3 credits
This course is about psychology, i.e., human experience, as told by fiction writers. By studying selected works, portions of truth about human behavior are sampled. Class discussions focus on this truth. Students are helped to experience vicariously different portions of the human condition, become more empathic with people whose experiences are different from their own, refine skills of observing and influencing behavior, and internalize values significance in our work as therapists.
PSY 4414 Behavioral Principles of Learning 3 credits
This course provides a comprehensive review of the psychological principles of learning derived from experimental research and validated by applied experimental/empirical studies. General topics include the nature of learning, behavior without learning, learning without words, and learning with words. Specific topics covered include types of behavior, motivational influences on behavior, respondent behavior and conditioning, operant behavior and conditioning, stimulus control, schedule influences on behavior, observational learning, verbal behavior and rule-governed behavior, and behavioral accounts of language and cognition. The course is designed to give students a good grounding for assessment and intervention courses with a behavioral orientation.
PSY 4418 Forensic Psychology: Criminal Law 3 credits
This course will cover topics dealing with the interaction of psychology and criminal law. Topics to be covered include: insanity, competency to stand trial, clinical assessment of dangerousness, delinquency, and the evaluation of malingering.
PSY 4419 Forensic Psychology: Family Law 3 credits
Basic principles in concepts of forensic psychology; the relationship between juvenile and family law and the scientific study of human behavior. Emphasis will also be given to areas of child physical and sexual abuse and domestic violence. There will be a critical review of pertinent literature. Special attention will be on the legal-ethical issues in evaluation, treatment, and research in family and juvenile law.
PSY 4420 Police Psychology 3 credits
Police psychology is an emergent specialty area in professional psychology. The role of a police psychologist is complex. This course is designed to provide didactic training for consultation within law enforcement. Specific topical areas will include: consultant vs. in-house staff, pre-employment assessment, fitness-for-duty evaluation, critical incident stress debriefing, hostage negotiation, and psychological profiling.
PSY 4421 Skills in Clinical Supervision and Consultation 3 credits
This course surveys the recent work on supervision and the supervisory process. Theoretical models of supervision (including the developmental models), issues of gender and diversity, countertransference, and parallel process are viewed from a current literature standpoint. The development and role of the supervisor in supervision is highlighted. Other factors affecting the supervisory experience including the selection of patients to present, the choice of supervisor, ethical and legal issues, and reporting are also discussed. Current convergent and divergent views are then summarized. The role of the psychologist as consultant will also be addressed.
PSY 4424 The Business of Psychology 3 credits
This course will introduce students to the business of psychology. Issues related to private practice, employment, program development, and implementation will be presented. Specific topics will include: developing a private practice, surviving in a changing marketplace, establishing fees, coding and reimbursement, negotiating employment contracts, and development and implementation of psychological service units.
PSY 4432 Concepts and Issues in Substance Abuse 3 credits
This course provides a foundation for understanding clinical efforts aimed at the prevention and treatment of substance use problems. It examines major perspectives on the nature and etiology of substance use problems, and how those perspectives translate into social actions and clinical practices. Explanations of substance use and abuse are presented as exemplifying lay and scientific views of abnormal behavior.
PSY 4435 The Teaching of Psychology 1 credits
This seminar will focus on the theoretical and practical aspects of teaching undergraduate and graduate psychology. Examination of models of course construction, teaching pedagogy, and assessment of learning will be explored. Students will create an individual philosophy of teaching with a focus on identity development, both as a psychologist and educator. Didactic training will be complemented by experiential opportunities for teaching in a variety of formats.
PSY 4438 The Psychology of Aging 3 credits
This course is designed to give an overview of older adulthood as it related to normal aging processes, mental health status and needs, assessment, and treatment delivery. A biopsychosocial perspective will be undertaken, with focus on the concomitant factors that may bear on the older adult's level of functioning in various domains (e.g., cognitive, emotional, social, physical). Areas presented will include developmental theories of aging, normal versus abnormal aging, physical/biological status, social functioning, independence and institutionalization, cognition and dementia, psychopathology, assessment and therapeutic approaches, ethics and end-of-life issues, and systems and care delivery settings.
PSY 4441 Object Relations Theories 3 credits
The primary objectives of this course is to trace back the origin and subsequent development from the work of Freud through the growth of both British and American object relations theorists.
PSY 4449 Introduction to Forensic Psychology 3 credits
This is a survey course designed to provide students with a knowledge of psychology that can be used to provide assistance in the law. It will deal with both practical and research applications in clinical and social-cognitive psychology. Some topics will include admissibility of psychologists in the courts to provide expert witness testimony; assessment of various mental states to meet legal requirements for competency; insanity; abuse syndromes and other psychological harm; ethical guidelines for forensic psychologists; working with police and others in the criminal justice system; and child custody and dependency issues. The legal system will be reviewed, as will the ability to conduct legal research.
PSY 4450 Forensic Psychology: Special Issues 3 credits
This course covers current special issues through the study of various cases in the particular area of psychology and the law. Each year that the course is offered, the topics and cases chosen for study may change depending on what is current in the courts, in psychology, and in the news.
PSY 4460 Basic Anatomy and Pathophysiology 3 credits
This course is designed for students of clinical health psychology to gain a physiologic understanding of disease processes. Cellular physiology, neuro-pathology, immunology, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, musculo-skeletal, and endocrine physiology as well as pertinent disorders in each area will be studied.
PSY 4481 Community Psychology with the Seriously Mentally Ill 3 credits
This course covers a variety of topics relevant to psychologists specializing in long term mental illness. The focus will be on developing skills in areas including qualitative research, supervision, consultation, administration, advocacy and public policy, program development, grant writing and teaching/workshop planning. Guest speakers, field trips and clinical exercises will augment class lectures.
PSY 4482 Consultative Psychopharmacology 3 credits
This course in advanced psychopharmacology emphasizes the selection and coordination of appropriate pharmacological treatments for specific psychological disorders. It focuses on the consultation function of psychologists with non-psychiatric medical personnel.
PSY 4491 Professional and Ethical Issues in Health Psychology/Medical Rounds 3 credits
This course is designed to introduce students to professional and ethical issues in the field of Clinical Health Psychology. The course includes a field-based experience intended to provide students with an opportunity to participate in interdisciplinary rounds in medical settings. The field-based aspect of the course will require that the students spend approximately 20 hours observing medical rounds. Classroom-based work will focus on practical, professional, and ethical issues specifically related to the practice of health psychology. Relevant issues arising in the field-based experience will also be discussed in class.
PSY 4501 Advanced Clinical Neuropsychology 3 credits
Intensive study of specialized methods of neuropsychological assessment as they apply to the recognition of central nervous system disorders. Examination results are presented and discussed in a case conference format. Topics include: administration and interpretation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery, selection and interpretation of flexible batteries, functional systems of the brain, and profession issues.
PSY 4503 MMPI 3 credits
The MMPI, MMPI-2, and MMPI-A are the most widely used clinical instruments, and the most widely used personality test. More than 15,000 research studies have been published using the test, and 1,000 specialized research scales have been developed. The course is intended to help the advanced student become more familiar with clinical interpretation of the MMPIs. We will also examine its various forms and the utility of specialized scales. In addition, we will explore its usefulness in conjunction with other instruments, such as the MCMI.
PSY 4515 Neuropsychology Case Analysis 3 credits
This course is designed to provide an introduction to developmental neuroanatomy, and developmental neuropsychological research and theory in the neuropsychological assessment of children. Cases of acute brain trauma, chronic brain injury, communicative disorders, learning disabilities, brain disease, sensory-motor handicaps, and seizure disorders will be presented to demonstrate the behavioral effects of these conditions.
PSY 4517 Neuropsychology Case Analysis 3 credits
This course will cover the interpretation of batteries of neuropsychological tests that reflect classic conditions such as open and closed-head trauma, stroke, dementia, tumor, anoxia, carbon monoxide poisoning, Parkinson's disease, and other common conditions seen in adult acute hospital settings. The class will involve analysis of cases presented in the literature, as well as cases presented by the students.
PSY 4520 Child Sexual Abuse Assessment 3 credits
The purpose of this course is to provide the student with state-of-the-art knowledge and the tools necessary to properly assess the validity of allegations of CSA, and to assess the psychological impact of CSA on known victims.
PSY 4525 Assessment of Culturally Diverse Clients 3 credits
This course involves a critical review of traditional assessment methods and instruments when used to measure the intelligence and aptitudes of those persons who differ markedly from the social and cultural norms. It will demonstrate the counterproductive pitfalls in the application of such techniques when used to label ethnic minorities and underprivileged clients. Students will learn to use and apply alternative methods. The theoretical and practical innovations of dynamic assessment will be analyzed.
PSY 4526 Learning Potential Assessment and Instruction 3 credits
This course will include specific training in the concepts and application of Feuerstein's methods for assessing potential in culturally different clients and students and in enhancing their learning by means of remedial programs of instrumental enrichment.
PSY 4550 Analytic Approaches to Assessment 3 credits
Frequently used projective tests from the test battery (Rorschach, TAT, SC, Bender, and DAP) will be examined from a psychoanalytic viewpoint. Test protocols will be reviewed and analyzed with similar content from different tests pointed out. How to structure will be accentuated. Report writing stressing the principal conflict, and showing how conceptualization of a case begins with the patient's initial response and builds from this impression, reinforcing or offering new ideas, will be demonstrated. The work of a number of outstanding authors will be examined from a conflict/defense orientation. Organization, synthesization and integration of material will be highlighted.
PSY 4560 Forensic Assessment 3 credits
This course is designed to teach the basic principles and concepts of forensic psychology as it relates to assessment. Students will be instructed in the basic areas of forensic assessment, including how to approach a forensic assessment case, ethical guidelines associated with forensic assessment, how to prepare a forensic assessment report, and how to testify as an expert witness. The class will focus on a variety of general psychological tests used in forensic assessment, such as the MMPI-2, MCMI-III, Wechsler Scales, and Rorschach. In addition, the use of these tests in particular forensic contexts, such as the MMPI-2 in child custody cases and the Wechsler Scales in criminal competency cases, will be discussed. Finally, specialized tests that can be used in forensic evaluations, such as the Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI), Parenting Stress Index (PSI), and the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) will be covered.
PSY 4565 International Psychology 3 credits
This course examines a variety of contemporary psychological topics in International psychology. Students evaluate mainstream as well as alternative theoretical, methodological, and applied approaches that are relevant to the study and practice of psychology within a global context. Clinical issues are reviewed with regard to trans nationally conceptions of etiology and treatment of mental health problems.
PSY 3605 Adult Intervention II 3 credits
This course covers primary approaches to treating Axis II disorders in adults. Problems covered include narcissistic, borderline, antisocial, and dependent personality disorders. Interventions with solid empirical and theoretical support are highlighted.
PSY 3606 Systems/Family Therapy II 3 credits
This course will explore family-of-origin issues and multigenerational processes as well as their influences on couples' relationships. Students will learn to apply family methods to specific problem areas such as divorce, parenting, chronic illness, phobias, suicide, etc.
PSY 4603 Play Therapy 3 credits
The purpose of this course is to delineate the various theoretical and practical approaches to play therapy. Conducted in a seminar fashion, class sessions will involve the discussion and instruction of theory, methods of intervention, and the special therapy issues. Additionally, an applied clinical approach will also be emphasized via student play therapy case presentations.
PSY 4607 Group Theory and Processes 3 credits
Group process provides an introduction to the theories and research pertaining to small group behavior. Experiencing group dynamics first hand and processing these experiences provide opportunities to become familiar with factors which influence behavior in small groups.
PSY 4608 Advanced Group Theory and Processes 3 credits
This course continues the student's training and experience in group psychotherapy. It is primarily focused on group-leader facilitation, empathy, sensitivity, lessening of prejudicial judgment as it relates to the many hues of human experience and behavior, and anxiety reduction with multiple-client interactions. A paper is required summarizing what was learned about group process and being a group member and leader.
PSY 4610 Human Sexuality and Sex Therapy 3 credits
Addresses topics in the area of human sexuality and sexual functioning from several perspectives, such as historical, biological, psychosocial, behavioral and clinical intervention. Various approaches to conducting sex therapy will be presented as well.
PSY 4612 Therapy with HIV/AIDS Patients 3 credits
The objective of this course is to have students become thoroughly familiar with psychosocial, medical, and legal aspects of HIV, as well as to examine their own feelings as therapists dealing with people infected with HIV.
PSY 4614 Interventions in Depression 3 credits
This course will cover the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mood disorders. Available literature on treatment outcome studies will be reviewed. The course will focus on actual treatment applications of depressed patients. Treatment modalities will include cognitive/behavioral therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy, and group approaches. Students must be in practicum and should expect to demonstrate some direct patient experience with the interventions studied.
PSY 4617 Ericksonian Hypnosis and Therapy 3 credits
Basic skills of Ericksonian hypnosis (e.g., indirect methods of induction, utilization techniques) and therapy (e.g., use of metaphors, expectation sets, paradoxical interventions) will be taught through Erickson's writings, lecture and class discussion, in-class demonstrations and exercises, and videotaped demonstrations.
PSY 4618 Clinical Applications of Hypnosis 3 credits
This course is intended to familiarize students with both research issues and clinical applications of hypnosis. Such topics as the nature of hypnosis; physiological and psychological manifestations of hypnosis; the effects of hypnosis on physical, cognitive, and intellectual performance; applications of hypnosis to psychosomatic disorders; hypnotic amnesia; and applications of hypnosis to a variety of clinical and addictive disorders will be examined. The second phase of the course will provide students with experience in hypnotic inductions and in the use of Hypnotic Susceptibility Scales.
PSY 4628 Clinical Biofeedback 3 credits
This course provides a review of the areas of clinical application of biofeedback techniques. Emphasis will be place on integrated biofeedback with general psychotherapeutic processes for children and adults. Diagnostic categories include general anxiety disorders, chronic and acute pain conditions, sexual disorders, and autonomic dysregulation disorders. Biofeedback as a technique for preventive medicine and health will also be discussed. The course includes laboratory experiences.
PSY 4629 Health Psychology 3 credits
This course seeks to define the field of Health Psychology, and provides a conceptual overview of current assessment and treatment models. Emphasis is placed on the interrelationships among affective responses, recurrent behavior patterns, and organ system performance. Intervention strategies directed at lifestyle, as well as specific behavior changes, are highlighted.
PSY 4630 Existential Therapy 3 credits
Contemporary existential issues are explored as they affect both client and therapist in psychotherapy. How existential views complement other theoretical orientations, affect the therapist/client relationship, and lead to implementation of treatment strategies, are of particular interest and focus.
PSY 4631 Humanistic Therapy 3 credits
This course is a practitioner-oriented exploration of theories and practices of humanistic psychotherapy, including Rogers' person-centered, Bugental's existential-analytic, Mahrer's experiential, and Rollo May's approaches. Theoretical bases for psychotherapy, the therapist as a person, core therapeutic conditions, and the therapy relationship receive major emphasis.
PSY 4632 Interpersonal/Systems Approaches to Therapy 3 credits
An overview of a range of perspectives and treatment approaches (e.g., Sullivanian, family systems, strategic intervention, Ericksonian, Langian) that have in common an emphasis on the role of interpersonal, social, cultural, and political forces in their conceptualization of and response to psychological problems. Conducted in a seminar format, class meetings will consist of a discussion of concepts, issues, and intervention strategies covered in readings, videotapes, and case presentations.
PSY 4634 Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in Practice 3 credits
The focus of this seminar is the communicative process in psychotherapy. The student will not only attend to the manifest content of the patient's communication, but will also learn to hear and understand the latent (unconscious) message. In order to accomplish this goal each student must develop a working knowledge of Lang's text: A Primer of Psychotherapy, or Lang's Psychotherapy: A basic text. The first several sessions will be devoted to this task. Students are required to tape some sessions of interesting, difficult, or troublesome cases for classroom presentation. Prerequisite: Students must have cases for discussion.
PSY 4635 Psychodynamic Therapy I 3 credits
The introductory course is designed to familiarize students with the basic concepts, range, scope, and limitations of psychoanalytic psychotherapy as a treatment modality. It is anticipated that by the end of this course, the student will have acquired the basic concepts necessary to have a fuller appreciation of this therapeutic approach.
PSY 4636 Psychodynamic Therapy II 3 credits
This course explains in depth the concepts of transference and countertransference, starting with the seminal work of Sigmund Freud in 1912 to the current time.
PSY 4637 Psychodynamic Treatment Approach to Family and Group 3 credits
This course introduces the student to a dynamic approach to family and group psychotherapy. The approaches of the leading family and group therapists will be presented and compared. Students will become familiar with the basic concepts of both family and group therapy, how to conceptualize case material, and the factors that influence family and group dynamics. These will include the therapist-client relationship, major family and group resistances, transference and countertransference. Assessment techniques and intervention strategies with an emphasis on dynamic case analysis will be highlighted.
PSY 4638 Narcissistic and Borderline Disorders 3 credits
The main objective of this course is to explore systematically the clinical pictures, the therapeutic techniques, and the developmental theories of both the borderline and narcissistic personality disorders.
PSY 4640 Special Problems in Psychotherapy 3 credits
This course is open to advanced students who are carrying patients in treatment. Clinical material will be used throughout the course. The following areas will be pursued: setting the stage for psychotherapy; establishing the frame; early trauma; self-disclosure; special events, extra-therapeutic contact; negativity; the revenge motive; handing dreams and fantasy; the metaphor and other poetic dictation; and the erotic transference and countertransference.
PSY 4642 Self-Psychology 3 credits
The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with the theoretical background and practical application of self-psychology. Class will be devoted to discussion of readings and case presentation.
PSY 4644 Psychoanalytic Concepts 3 credits
This course will offer a survey of concepts and theory of psychoanalysis and review their application within the psychoanalytic situation. The first part of each session will be devoted to theory and technique, while the second part of each session will focus on the practical or clinical application of theory. It is expected that students will participate actively in class discussions, as well as contribute to the clinical section of each session. Each student will be expected to present case material relevant to the subject being discussed. In addition, some written assignments may be given. There will be no examinations in this class.
PSY 4646 The Use of Dreams in Psychotherapy 3 credits
This course will deal with Freud's theory from the Interpretation of Dreams brought up to date to accommodate weekly and brief/time-limited psychotherapy. The concept of "dream work", as well as the function, value, and language of the dream will be discussed. Additionally, the significance of the first or initial dream, the interpersonal/communicative function, and intrapsychic aspects of the dream will be explored. The dream in psychopathology, the biology of dreaming, and adaptive aspects of the dream will also be addressed.
PSY 4647 Psychodynamic Treatment of Affective Disorders 3 credits
This course is designed to familiarize students with the genesis, development, and treatment of affective disorders. Topics covered include anxiety reactions, depression and mania, and allied disorders. The mechanisms, dynamics and process of depression, despair, loneliness, self-destructive behavior, boredom, apathy, enthusiasm, and related conditions will be reviewed critically. Throughout, the students will be helped to understand the impact of resistance, transference, and countertransference issues in treating affective disorders will also be discussed.
PSY 4650 Crisis Intervention 3 credits
This course will consist of an overview of crisis intervention, including differing approaches and techniques for this type of work. Specific topics will include working with the suicidal client, coping with grief, divorce, adolescent issues, victimization, aging and illness. Community resources available for crisis intervention and the process of involuntary commitment will also be covered.
PSY 4651 Seminar in Eclectic Psychotherapy 3 credits
Eclecticism refers to the method or practice of choosing what seems best or most likely to have therapeutic benefit for a client/patient from the variety of available systems, methods, and techniques. In order to help develop skills in thinking and application to foster an eclectic orientation, this course will lean heavily on case histories. Students will read, present, and discuss cases from modern therapists and from their own clinical experiences (e.g., practicum). In addition to the wealth of knowledge gleaned from analysis of these cases, students will develop intervention strategies based on recent trends in theory and technique. In addition, current psychotherapy literature and films will be critically examined.
PSY 4659 Advanced Cross-Cultural Counseling 3 credits
This course is designed to explore advanced issues related to the counseling and assessment of culturally diverse clients. Skills will be developed through the use of critical incident analysis and case study conceptualization. Students will be required to construct a case study, read weekly assignments and participate in critical-incident analysis.
PSY 4662 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders 3 credits
This course surveys the history, research, and treatment approaches of post-traumatic stress disorder in its many manifestations, including post-combat syndromes, natural disaster survivors, occupational critical incidents, and victims of crime, sexual abuse, or accidents.
PSY 4663 Counseling in Terminal Care 3 credits
This course will provide an integrated model for counseling the terminally ill that will include the patient, the family, and social system. It will acquaint students with both a humanistic and a cognitive-behavioral thanatology. The needs of therapists dealing with the stresses of terminal care will also be addressed
PSY 4666 Neurorehabilitation 3 credits
This course will explore the use of neuropsychological testing and theory in forensic settings. The focus will include applications to both criminal cases as well as civil cases. The course will take both a neuropsychological and forensic perspective on the testing procedures and how they relate to legal as well as neuropsychological data. Applications to mitigation in criminal sentencing, competency, ability to stand trial, determination of mental retardation, civil damages, civil liability, and related issues will be discussed along with the appropriate examples from actual cases. Students with practicum or other experience will be encouraged to present cases that illustrate the issues described in the case as well. The course will have a seminar format in which the implications of this information can be thoroughly discussed and debated. Mock testimony will be presented by students to illustrate the practical applications of the course material.
PSY 4668 Substance Use, Health, and Mental Health 3 credits
The major goal of this course is for students to learn about substance use and misuse, and related prevention and treatment. In addition, because substance use disorders can significantly affect our health and mental health problems and concerns (e.g., depression, aging, medication use, diabetes, hypertension) this course will address a broad range of issues involved in the assessment and treatment of comorbidity and the relationship of substance use disorders to the management of different health and mental health problems.
PSY 4669 Clinical Interventions for Anxiety Disorders 3 credits
This course will cover the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of anxiety disorders. Available literature on treatment outcome studies, as well as current literature on the theories of anxiety disorders will be reviewed. The course will focus on actual treatment applications of anxious patients. Treatment modalities will include cognitive/behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and motivational interviewing approaches. Students will practice the interventions studied.
PSY 4670 Short Term Therapy 3 credits
This course will review the history and development of time-limits therapies and survey different approaches, including brief dynamic therapy, cognitive therapies, solution-oriented models and others. New developments in brief treatment will be covered, including managed care models and "HMO therapy."
PSY 4671 Psychotherapy with Lesbians and Gay Men 3 credits
Lesbians and gay men in psychotherapy present to the clinician issues that are unique to this population. The goal of this course is to make the student aware, sensitive, and knowledgeable of these salient issues in order to work more effectively using gay affirmative psychotherapy technique in treating gay men, lesbians, and their family members. These issues will be viewed through a developmental perspective, i.e., counseling gay adolescents, adults, couples, and the aging. The course design is an interactive approach to using panel presentations, current research, case studies and role playing in a small class atmosphere. Students have the opportunity to volunteer at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center using gay affirmative and brief psychotherapy techniques. Group supervision is provided as part of the course.
PSY 4673 Interpersonal Violence 3 credits
The purpose of this seminar is to examine current strategies and issues in clinical research and treatment with disparate forms of interpersonal violence with an emphasis on perpetrators of these acts. Some of these will include: spouse abuse, child maltreatment, incest, (nonfamilial) sexual assault of children and adults, homicide, and serial rape and murder. Within each area, empirically based approaches to assessment, prevention, and treatment will be discussed. Etiologic and maintaining factors for the various types of violence, and psychosocial profiling procedures with selected subtypes of violent offenders, also will be covered.
PSY 4677 Feminist Therapy 3 credits
Feminist therapy is an intervention technique based on the social psychology theories of the new women's movement. The goal is to help empower women by separating the issues of life that come from living with discrimination an the resulting feelings of oppression from the psychobiological and intrapsychic issues that are brought into the therapy session. Feminist techniques that emphasize analysis of power of dynamics across the lifespan have impacted the various interventions used in treatment towards mental health as well as in its own therapy theory. Feminist therapy theory and the various feminist therapy techniques will be surveys in this course.
PSY 4678 Eating Disorders: Theory and Intervention 3 credits
This course will review the history of eating disorders and the development of interventions for the treatment of eating disorders, including psychoanalytic, self-psychological, relational, systemic and cognitive-behavioral. Individual, familial, socio-cultural and biological aspects of eating issues and body image difficulties will be addressed as well as relevant research.
PSY 4679 Abuse, Trauma, and Dissociation 3 credits
This course will provide a comprehensive survey of knowledge and skills required to treat adult survivors of childhood abuse. Identification and treatment of complex post-traumatic stress disorder, the spectrum of dissociative disorders, and the pervasive impact on personality functioning of long-standing abuse in childhood will comprise the central focus of the course.
PSY 4681 Chronic Pain/Illness Management 3 credits
This course will cover the conceptual model and the particular psychological assessment and intervention methods that have been found to be effective in work with those experiencing chronic pain and/or illness. Emphasis will be on assisting individuals with chronic pain/illness to minimize the impact it is having on their mood, lifestyle, productivity, recreational activity, family and social relationships. The focus will include managing with such clinical examples of chronic pain/illness conditions as: tension and migraine headaches, back pain, temporomandibular disorder, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Consideration will be given to care delivered as part of an interdisciplinary treatment team as well as in psychoeducational group and individual treatment settings. Opportunities will be provided for supervised peer practice with the recommended interventions.
PSY 4682 Treatment of Serious Mental Illness 3 credits
This course will cover the history and current practice of treatment of serious mental illness. Special focus will be placed on the role of psychological interventions in the cure of this population. The increasingly active role of the psychiatric consumer will be highlighted.
PSY 4683 Interventions with Medical Patients 3 credits
This course is designed to familiarize students with clinical interventions, related assessment concerns and research relevant to health problems. Topics that will be covered include relevant assessment issues that need to be considered when evaluating medical patients for psychological intervention and psychological interventions with specific medical populations. Students will learn to design and implement intervention protocols for a number of different physical disorders as well as learns applied techniques, such as various forms of relaxation procedures.
PSY 4690 Psychological Interventions in Forensic Settings 3 credits
This course will cover psychological intervention techniques that are known to have success with juvenile and adult offenders in jail, prison and court-ordered treatment programs to eliminate behavioral problems that are due to mental illness, abuse, and/or substance abuse. The number of mentally ill inmates in correctional facilities and/or ordered into mental health treatment as a condition of probation have been rapidly increasing so that the jails and prisons of the U.S. are often considered the new mental institutions. Many inmates are also substance abusers who need special alcohol and other drug treatment if they are to remain crime-free when released from custody. Most criminals have long histories of abuse, both as victims and perpetrators. New sex predator laws order those convicted of a sex crime to be assessed for risk for committing further sexual offending behavior and be sent to treatment under civil commitment statutes. Psychological interventions including medication and therapy can assist in the behavioral management of those offenders and hopefully prevent recidivism.
PSY 4691 Infant and Toddler Mental Health 3 credits
This course will cover clinical applications of developmental psychopathology, with an emphasis on infants, toddler and their families. Major theories of development and current research on that systemic etiological pathways of atypical adaptation will be reviewed. Assessment strategies will include observing infants and toddlers at play, clinical interviewing of caregivers, identifying red flags, recognizing 0-3 diagnostic classifications, administered developmental screening tests, and interpreting results. Implications for appropriate theory driven and empirically based treatment will be discussed including play techniques and attachment-theory driven interventions.
PSY 4692 Parent Focused Interventions 3 credits
This course will review current theory and research on parent-focused prevention and intervention efforts intended to benefit children and adolescents. Topics will include the rationale for a behavioral/family systems approach to parent training and its application to contemporary families. Difficulties associated with conducting both research and interventions in family setting will be reviewed with particular attention to problems of measuring and defining "ideal" parenting practices and difficulties in translating program objectives into clinically meaningful outcomes. Parent-focused interventions for both externalizing and internalizing problems will be considered.
PSY 4693 The Application of Psychology to Organization Settings 3 credits
The focus of the course is on the application of the principles of psychology to organizational settings. Students will acquire understanding of interventions at the individual, group and organizational development levels. Further, concepts, skills, and tools that are essential to successful organizational interventions will be demonstrated.
PSY 4695

School Based Interventions with Ethnically Diverse Families I

3 credits
This course, which includes both academic and clinical components, is designed to teach students about the family lives and school experiences of low-income, ethnic minority youth, then train and supervise students as they co-lead an intervention targeting children's academic and mental health outcomes. Coursework is devoted to understanding how families and schools can better support low-income youth, and the intervention is intended to enhance family and school support for local ethnic minority and immigrant communities.
PSY 4696 School Based Interventions with Ethnically Diverse Families II 3 credits
This course is a continuation of School Based Interventions with Ethnically Diverse Families I.
PSY 4699 Positive Psychology 3 credits
The present course will describe how the scope of psychology has recently been broadened beyond exclusive concern with identifying pathology and treating or preventing disorder. This course will provide an overview of the emerging field of 'Positive Psychology. ' Students will be provided with opportunities to understand theory and research pertaining to the psychology of human strengths, assets, abilities and talents as well as the constructs of optimism, happiness, hope and resiliency. Students will be challenged to use their understanding of this theory and research to suggest opportunities for intervention with various populations.
PSY 4701 Clinical Practicum V 3 credits
The student is required to spend a minimum of 15 hours per week for one semester at a selected agency.
PSY 4702 Clinical Practicum VI 3 credits
See description for PSY 4701 Clinical Practicum V.
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