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Graduation is an exciting time in your life, as it marks the completion of a major goal and the start of the next journey in your life. This page features information on commencement, as well as how you can commemorate your time at the College of Psychology.

Undergraduate Commencement - May 5, 2025: Click HERE
Undergraduate Class Celebration and New Alumni Update: Click

Graduate Commencement - June 6, 2025: Click HERE
Graduate Class Celebration and New Alumni Update: Click HERE

College of Psychology Commemorative Medallion 
The medallion features a relief specifically created for the College of Psychology, following a suggestion from faculty that we feature a shark leaping out of water. All proceeds go back to students and count toward alumni giving percentages that impact institutional national ranking with independent sources. Click HERE to order, select $20.25, and pick-up on the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus.

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