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Sexual Abuse Forensic Research Lab

Welcome! The Sexual Abuse Forensic Research Lab (SAFR) is dedicated to promoting and disseminating research related to persons convicted of sexual offenses, victims, and treatment professionals, conducted by faculty and graduate students within Nova Southeastern University’s College of Psychology.


Research Lab Director

David M. Feldman, Ph.D. is a Florida Licensed Psychologist and Professor of Psychology at Nova Southeastern University. There he serves as the Coordinator of the Clinical Forensic Psychology Concentration and directs the Sexual Abuse and Forensic Research (SAFR) lab.  He has worked with sexual offenders in correctional psychiatric, and sexually violent predator civil commitment centers.  Dr. Feldman has presented at numerous professional and community venues in areas related to sexual offending, treatment, and public safety.  He is considered an expert in this area and has been called on as a consultant for courts, school districts, psychiatric hospitals, and correctional facilities.  Dr. Feldman specializes in sexual offenders who are Deaf and hard-of-hearing. He initially joined ATSA as a student member in 2003 and has been a clinical member of ATSA since 2008.

Research Lab Members

Read more about this lab HERE.

Abigail King

Genevieve Gottlieb

Olivia Janovy Meyer

Alexis Cohen

Haley Barry

Richard Amsel

Alivia Foster

Hope Marceaux

Samantha Guajardo

Anaïs Toussaint

Isabelle Anillo

Sera Fernandez

Belen Renteria

Kelsey Applegarth

Sofia Krausse

Bethany Laesch

Kelsey Cashin

Stephen Loggia

Carsen Zink

Komini Pardalos

Soraya Ziemert

Claire Caggiano

Lindsay Giammalvo

Sydney Camp

Deja Smith

Maggie Smith

Tali Shir

Delta Burchi

Megan Arnold


Emma Johnson

Miranda Boblett

  • American Psychological Association 2024
    • Lindsay Giammalvo, “Breaking Borders: A Comprehensive Analysis of Global Initiatives Against Sex Trafficking”
    • American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) 2024
      • Isabelle Anillo
        Poster: “Not Your Grandmother’s Doll: The Implications and Legality of Childlike Sex Dolls and Technology.”\
      • Delta Burchi
        Poster: “Deaf Inmates and Mental Health: Barriers and Future Directions.”
      • Lindsay Giammalvo
        Poster: “The Impact of Sex Trafficking on Victims' Self-Concept, Identity, and Emotional Regulation.”
      • Abigail King
        Poster: “Women Do it Too: Understanding Female Sexual Offenders in a Modern World.”
      • Bethany Laesch
        Poster: “Interventions for Children of Incarcerated Parents.”
      • Hope Marceaux
        Poster: “The Relationship Between Sexual Abusers and Deaf and Hard of Hearing Victims: A Preliminary Analysis.”
      • Deja Smith
        Poster: “Exploring Female Psychopathy: Characteristics and Implications for Assessment.” AND “Exploring Erotophonophilia: Insights into Lust Murder, Psychopathy, and Trauma-Driven Behavior.”

    • Minnesota Association for the Treatment & Prevention of Sexual Abuse 2024
      • David Feldman, PhD
        Introductions and Moderation

    • Kelsey Applegarth
      Student Panel, “Utilization of Animal Assisted Interventions with Sexual Abusers”
      This preliminary literature review examines the benefits and usefulness of animal-assisted interventions with sexual abusers in correctional settings. The current literature review is acting as a pilot study leading to future empirical studies investigating the usefulness of animal-assisted interventions as a component of treatment for sexual abusers.
    • Haley Barry
      Student Panel, “Navigating Justice: Unveiling Judicial Bias and its Influence on Decision Making with Sex Offenders”
      This preliminary literature review seeks to explore the biases exhibited by judges in cases involving individuals who have committed sexual offenses. The subsequent phase of this research will delve deeper into these biases and their potential ramifications for sexual abusers.
    • Samantha Guajardo
      Student Panel, “The Influence of Culture: Sexual Violence and Disclosure Amongst Hispanic Immigrant Women”
      This poster and presentation explored the role of culture in sexual violence and disclosure amongst Hispanic immigrant women. Through a culture-focused perspective, several factors were identified and discussed that surround these women's experiences and the likelihood of disclosure. By acknowledging the intersection of culture, immigrant status, and sexual violence, clinicians can foster more effective and culturally competent forms of intervention, assessment, and research.
      • Abigail King
        Student Panel, “Exploring Therapeutic Pathways: Treatment Modalities for Female Sex Offenders”
        This preliminary literature review examines the pitfalls of previous treatment modalities for female sex offenders and what is currently being done to mediate for the gendered nuances of female sexual offending. Future directions for a comprehensive understanding of how treatment would impact female offending and how it specifically addresses the differences between male and female typologies will be explored.

      • Bethany Laesch
        Student Panel, “Mental Health Treatment for the Children of Sexual Offenders”
        This preliminary literature review seeks to examine the challenges surrounding children whose parents are incarcerated for a sexual offense. Topics will include effects of parental sexual offending on adolescent self-esteem, development, and identity. Interventions for assisting adolescents towards positive self-growth will also be discussed.

    • Hope Marceaux
      Student Panel, “Deaf Victims of Sexual Assault: A Preliminary Analysis”
      As victimology and the development of preventative interventions advance towards more multifaceted approaches, both Routine Activities Theory and Rational Choice Theory hold basic elements that touch on the vulnerability of Deaf persons targeted by sexual abusers. However, the research on the sexual victimization of Deaf and hard of hearing individuals is scarce and typically embedded within broader literature that focuses on disabilities holistically, without regard to Deaf cultural aspects. An important question that lingers is whether our prevention and treatment systems are equipped to handle the challenges of culturally competent intervention to Deaf survivors.

  • Sexually Violent Predator Civil Commitment Book
    • A compilation of the relevant research that examines the history, legal statutes, treatment outcomes, and social ramifications of sexual offender civil commitment

  • Individual Projects
    • Kelsey Applegarth, “Integrating Animal-Assisted Interventions in treatment for Persons Convicted of Sexual Offenses” and “Examining the Benefits of Incorporating Canine-Assisted Therapy into Sex Offense Treatment Groups”
    • Lindsay Giammalvo, “The Psychological and Cultural Landscape of Sex Trafficking among Indigenous Peoples in North America"
    • Samanatha Guajardo, “Adolescents Who Sexually Offend: The Implications of Youth Registration”
    • Abigail King, “Female Treatment Providers and Male Sex Offenders”
    • Hope Marceaux, “Law Enforcement Interactions with Survivors During the Sexual Assault Kit Victim Notification Process: The Power of an Apology"
    • Deja Smith, “Neurobiological and Personality Constructs of Pedophilia, Investigating Pedophilia as a Sexual Orientation,” “Neurobiological Correlates of Pedophilia: Insights into Brain Structure, Function, and Connectivity to Reconsider its Classification,” “AI-Generated Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM): Implications for Victimization or Gateway for Harm Reduction”
The College of Psychology at Nova Southeastern University is strongly committed to an inclusive and diverse college with equal access and opportunity for diverse individuals based on race, ethnicity, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, socioeconomic status, and physical ability. Our programs in Clinical and School Psychology are dedicated to active recruitment of a diverse group of students, faculty and staff, as well as to the integration of issues of individual and cultural diversity throughout the training we provide to students.

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