Students in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience have multiple opportunities to conduct research with faculty or take advantage of internship opportunities. See below for additional information, as well as an index of student research.
Volunteer Research Opportunities
We strongly encourage any and all students interested in research to approach faculty they would like to work with to explore volunteer opportunities in that faculty member’s research program. Gaining experience in research is beneficial for students moving into the workforce and is absolutely necessary for those students interested in attending graduate school. Research experience allows students to build practical experience, professional connections, and work experience employers and graduate schools require.
Faculty members have a wide range of research interests. Areas of specialization include:
Independent Study
Students interested in gaining research experience for credit should consider completing independent study. Psychology majors can complete PSYC4990: Independent Study in Psychology. Neuroscience majors can complete NEUR4990: Independent Study in Neuroscience. In these courses, you work with a faculty mentor completing supervised research. This could involve working on a faculty member’s existing research project or it could be as involved as collaborating with a faculty member to develop a new research project. Students interested in completing these courses are encouraged to contact a faculty member they are interested in working with well before any registration deadlines. Often students will start by volunteering in a faculty lab and this work can evolve into completing independent study courses for credit.
Psychology Practicum
Students interested in gaining experience in a clinical psychology setting should consider completing PSYC4810: Practicum in Community Psychology. PSYC4810: Practicum in Community Psychology is geared toward students interested in the clinical and counseling professions. This course is focused on students gaining direct experience within a local human service agency. Students are required to complete a minimum of 70 volunteer hours within a human service agency. Past placements have included school-based programs, substance-abuse and eating disorder treatment centers, youth shelter facilities, and agencies dedicated to providing services for the LGBT community.
PSYC 4700: Practicum in Applied Behavior Modification
Students completing the ABA minor complete at least 90 hours of practicum experience in PSYC 4700: Practicum in Applied Behavior Modification. The practicum is designed to partially meet either the ABA minor requirements (a minimum of 6 hours per week) or the partial supervision requirements for the BCaBA certification (a minimum of 10 hours per week). The successful completion of this practicum satisfies the requirements for students desiring to take the Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) exam. A Registered Behavior Technician is a paraprofessional who practices under the close, ongoing supervision of a BCBA, BCaBA, or FL-CBA. There are many employment opportunities for RBTs whose primary responsibility consists of implementing behavior-analytic services.
Psychological Science Accelerator
The Psychology & Neuroscience department at NSU has been involved in contributing to the Psychological Science Accelerator. This project involves teams of Psychology faculty and students from the around the world collaborating on big data psychology research. Students have been involved in collecting and analyzing data and the research has been published in a number of journals. Students interested in learning more can contact W. Matthew Collins
NEUR 4950: Internship in Neuroscience
A 16-week work experience in the student’s major area of study or career interest. This can include placement to work in a research laboratory, to engage in applied science in the private sector, or otherwise to gain first-hand experience outside the classroom in behavioral neuroscience or a closely related field. Students will receive guidance from both an on-site supervisor and a behavioral neuroscience faculty member. Contact Jaime Tartar for more information.
PSYC 4950: Internship in Psychology
A 16 week work experience in the student’s major area of study or career interest. This can include placement to work in a community clinical setting, placement in a research laboratory, or otherwise to gain first-hand experience outside the classroom in Psychology or a closely related field. Students will receive guidance from both an on-site supervisor and a Psychology faculty member. Contact W. Matthew Collins for more information.
Honors in Major
The Honors in Major program is a unique opportunity for high performing NSU undergraduate students in their senior year. If selected to join this program, you can expand the breadth and depth of knowledge in your academic discipline by completing an Honors-quality project of interest with faculty guidance. Students in the NSU College of Psychology's undergraduate programs in Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience must have a 3.8 GPA in major courses, in addition to an overall GPA of 3.8.
Student may choose between the following:
Clinical Track
Research Track
To participate in the research track, an interview is required to assure mutual compatibility.
In addition, all College of Psychology Honors in Major students will participate in the annual Department Symposium, giving a brief presentation on the project.
This page allows researchers to post their research studies and students to participate in these studies. Introduction to Psychology students have the option of participating in research in order to fulfill the Introduction to psychology research experience requirement. Some students have the opportunity to earn extra credit for psychology courses by participating in research. Some studies also offer compensation for participation.
Currently, only Department of Psychology and Neuroscience faculty members, as well as NSU undergraduate students in PSYC 4800 (Practicum in Psychological Research), may post research studies here.
Note to PSYC 1020 Students: This course includes a research experience requirement that is meant to expose you to a wide variety of psychology research either through participation, ethics training, and/or reading the literature. This requirement is worth 5% of your final class grade. You may complete this requirement by participating in the experiments listed here (1 hour per 1% credit) or by fulfilling the alternative assignment (refer to your instructor for details). Any PSYC 1020 students who are not at least 18 years of age should complete the alternative assignment rather than a research study.
Instructions to All Potential Study Participants
Make Reservation - Students, login here to make a reservation to participate in a research project. Before making a reservation, please follow these instructions for using the SONA system:
Note that the last day to participate in a research study for credit will be at 11:59 p.m. on the Friday of the last week of classes (before finals week).
Directions for Students Planning to Complete the Alternative Assignment
There are two alternative assignment options for earning research credit. Completing the CITI training earns 2 research credits and the research paper alternative assignment earns one credit per paper. You may complete a combination of the CITI training and three research papers or complete five research papers to earn the required research credit.
Information for the CITI Training Alternative Assignment
For 2 hours of research participation credit, you must complete all training modules with an average score of at least 80% on all quizzes. If you have any questions, you may contact the Research Participant Pool Coordinator at Please put "Research Participant Pool" in the subject of your email, and be aware that, due to the high volume of requests received, you may have to wait up to three days for a reply.
Note that the last day to turn in CITI Training for credit will be at noon on the last day of classes (not final exam).” and change it to: “Note that the last day to turn in CITI Training for credit will be on your last day of classes (not final exam).
Information for the Research Paper Alternative Assignment
You will choose an article from an approved journal and write-up a 1–2 page analysis of the paper. One article analysis equals 1 hour of research credit; you may earn up to 5 credits by writing up to 5 article analyses. You must answer the following questions in the body of your paper:
Do not simply provide a list of the answers but discuss the answers to these questions in the body of your paper along with an overall analysis of the research.
You must select empirical journal articles. The following journals are acceptable:
Note: The last day to turn in a research paper for credit will be 3 weeks before the last day of classes (not final exam).
Turning in Alternative Assignments
If you complete the alternative assignments, you must notify your professor that you have all modules of online training (worth 2 hours of research credit) by providing a copy of the certificate of completion and/or submitting your papers (worth 1 hour each) to your professor at his/her NSU email address.
In addition to gaining research experience in the Psychology & Neuroscience department here at NSU, a number of our students seek out and complete summer internship programs at other universities around the country. Generally, these programs are announced from November onwards and deadlines can be as early as in December. Check these links for information about internships or potentially even research jobs/paid training for those with a bachelor’s degree. You can also google “behavioral neuroscience internships” or “psychology undergraduate summer internships” and look for postings at specific colleges.
(undergraduate *; graduate **)
Ali, A.* Peacock C.A., Tartar J.L. (2021). Training Frequency, Weight, and Mental Well-being During COVID-19 Lockdown in Professional Mixed Martial Arts Fighters. Research Directs in Health Sciences. 1(2) 1-5.
Antonio J., Burgess V.**, Carson C.*, Ellerbroek A., Axelrod C.*, Peacock C.A., Silver T., Tartar J.L. (2019). High-Protein Diet Has No Effect on Sleep Quality and Quantity in Exercise-Trained Men and Women. Journal of Exercise and Nutrition, 2(1), 3.
Antonio J., Knafo S.*, Ellerbrook A., Sliver T., Vargas L., Peacock C., Tartar J.L. (2017). The relationship between the ACTN3 genotype and measures of stress, exercise performance and body composition. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 20(6).
Antonio J., Knafo S.*, Kenyon M.*, Ali A.*, Carson C.*, Ellerbroek A., Weaver C., Roberts J., Peacock C.A., Tartar J.L. (2019). Assessment of the FTO gene polymorphisms (rs1421085, rs17817449 and rs9939609) in exercise-trained men and women: the effects of a 4-week hypocaloric diet. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 16(1) 36.
Antonio J., Knafo S.M.*, Kapoor R.**, Tartar J.L. (2018). A fat mass and obesity-associated gene polymorphism influences fat mass in exercise-trained individuals. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 15, 40.
Antonio J., Leaf A., Carson C.*, Ellerbroek A., Silver T., Peacock C.A., Tartar, J.L. (2018). Bone Mineral Density in Competitive Athletes. Bone, 1, 2.
Antonio J.A., Cabrerra D.**, Knafo S*, Thomas J.**, Peacock C.A., Tartar J.L. (2021). Neurofilament Light (NFL) in Division II Female Soccer Players: A Potential Biomarker for Brain Trauma. Journal of Exercise Physiology, 24(1), 1-6.
Antonio, J., Kenyon, M.*, Horn, C., Jiannine, L., Carson, C*., Ellerbroek, A., & Tartar, J. (2019). The Effects of an Energy Drink on Psychomotor Vigilance in Trained Individuals. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 4(3), 47.
Banks J.B., Tartar J.L., Tamayo, B.**. (2016). Examining Factors involved in stress related working memory impairments: Independent or condition effects? Emotion, Consciousness and Cognition, 43, 167-76.
Banks J.B., Welhaf M.S.**, Hood A.V.*, Boals A., Tartar J.L. (2016). Examining the role of emotional valence of mind wandering: All mind wandering is not equal. Consciousness and cognition, 43, 167-76.
Banks, J. B., Tartar, J. L., & Welhaf, M.* (2014). Where’s the Impairment: An Examination of Factors that Impact Sustained Attention Following a Stressor. Cognition and Emotion, 28, 856-866. DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2013.857643
Banks, J. B., Welhaf, M. S. **, Hood, A. V. B.**, Boals, A.., & Tartar, J. L. (2016). Examining the role of emotional valence of mind wandering: All mind wandering is not equal. Consciousness and Cognition, 43, 167-176.
Banks, J. B., Welhaf, M. S.**, & Srour, A.** (2015). The protective effects of brief mindfulness meditation training. Consciousness and Cognition, 33, 277-285.
Banks, J., B., Tartar, J. L., & Tamayo, B. A.** (2015). Examining factors involved in stress related working memory impairments: Independent or conditional effects? Emotion, 15(6), 827-836.
Benny, B.**, & Banks, J.B. (2015) Under pressure: An examination of the predictors of choking. Journal of Individual Differences, 36 (2), 93-100.
Bloshinsky, A.** & Starratt, V. G. (in press). Copulatory Urgency. In T. K. Shackelford (Ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Sexual Psychology (Vol. 2). Cambridge University Press.
Bloshinsky, A.S.** & Menon, M. (2020). Personal Narratives and Gender Identity. International Journal of Social Sciences Review. 8(7-9), 250-56.
Burgess V.**, Anotni, J., Bland H., Wagner R., Tartar J.L., Melton B. (2020). The Effect of Timing and Type of Exercise on the Quality of Sleep in Trained Individuals. International Journal of Exercise Science, 13(7), 837-858.
Burgess, V., Carson, C., Ellerbroek, A., Axelrod, C., Peacock, C., Silver, T. A., & Tartar, J. (2019). High-Protein Diet has no Effect on Sleep Quality and Quantity in Exercise-Trained Men and Women. Journal of Exercise and Nutrition, 2(1), 1.
Carrera F*, Boucher L.B. Tartar J.L. (2019). The Effects of Video Gaming with a Brain-Computer Interface on Mood and Physiological Arousal. Games for Health Journal, 8(5), 366-36
Chayo I.*, Fernandez M., Sandor S.*, Tartar J.L. (2017). Neurophysiological Processing of an Emotional Task is Sensitive to Time-of-Day. Journal of Circadian Rhythms, 15(1), 23.
Eldakar O.T., Tartar J.L., Garcia D.*, Ramirez V.*, Dauzonne M.*, Armani Y.*, Gallup A.C. (2017). Acute Physical Stress Modulates the Temporal Expression of Self-Reported Contagious Yawning in Humans. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 3(2), 156-70.
Fernandez, M., Acosta, J.**, Douglass, K.*, Doshi, N*. & Tartar, J.L., Speaking Two Languages Enhances an Auditory but not a Visual Neural Marker of Cognitive Inhibition AIMS Neuroscience,1(2), 145‐157 DOI: 10.3934/Neuroscience.2014.2.145, 2014.
Fernandez, M., Tartar, J.L., Padron, D.*, & Acosta, J.** Neurophysiological marker of inhibition distinguishes language groups on a non-linguistic executive function test. Brain & Cognition, 83, 330-336, 2013.
Garcia, P*. C. J., Manimaleth, R.*, Napolitano, P*., Watters, H.*, Weber, C.*, Alvarez-Beaton, A., ... & Tartar, J.L. (2020). Body Composition Assessment: A Comparison of the DXA, InBody 270, and Omron. Journal of Exercise and Nutrition, 2640, 2572.
Gorman, S.M.** & Menon, M. (2018). The Bilingual Advantage: A Review of the Developmental Implications of Bilingualism. International Journal of Social Sciences Review, 6 (5), 864-869.
Hill L.H.**, Lorenzetti M.S.**, Lyle S.**, Fins A.I., Tartar A., Tartar J.L. (2018). COMT Val158Met Polymorphism Associates with Emotion Processing and Cortisol Levels in Women. Brain and Behavior, 8(2), e00883.
Hill, L.M.**, Starratt V.G., Fernandez M., Tartar J.L. (2018). Positive affective priming decreases the middle LPP response to negative images. Brain and Behavior, e01198.
Kibler, J.K. Joshi, K.*, & Ma, M. (2009). Hypertension in relation to posttraumatic stress disorder and depression in the U.S. National Comorbidity Survey. Behavioral Medicine, 34, 125-131.
Kibler, J.L., Ma, M., Dollar, K.M., & Munroe, C.D.* (2009). Posttraumatic stress and risky sexual behaviors among African American women. APA Communiqué. Special Section: Health Disparities, 112-114.
Kibler, J.L., Malcolm, L.R.**, Lerner, R.S.*, Findon, K. R.*, & Ma, M. (2013). Women’s cardiovascular health risks associated with posttraumatic stress. In J. Marich (Ed.). The Psychology of Women: Diverse Perspectives from the Modern World. pp. 173-201. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.: Hauppauge, NY.
Kibler, J.L., Tursich, M.*, Ma, M., Malcolm, L.**, & Greenbarg, R.* (2014). Metabolic, autonomic and immune markers for cardiovascular disease in PTSD. World Journal of Cardiology, 6, 455-461.
Ma, M., Kibler, J.L., Vigil-Otero, A.*, Sarpong, D., Lally, M, & Mayer, K.H. (2013). Correlates of willingness to participate in microbicide research among African Americans. Journal of Health Psychology, 18, 65-74.
Ma, M., Malcolm, L.**, Diaz-Albertini, K.**, & Klinoff, V.A.** (2016). HIV testing characteristics among Hispanic adolescents. Journal of Community Health, 41, 11-14.
Ma, M., Malcolm, L.R.** (2016). Cultural influences on HIV testing among Latino youth. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 18, 470-480.
Ma, M., Malcolm, L.R.**, Diaz-Albertini, K.**, Klinoff, V.A.**, Leeder, E.**, Barrientos, S.*, & Kibler, J.L. (2014). Latino cultural values as protective factors against sexual risks among adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 37, 1215-1225.
Ma, M., Malcolm, L.R.**, Diaz-Albertini, K.**, Sanchez, J.C.**, Simpson, B.*, Cortes, L.**, & Kibler, J.K. (in press). Cultural Assets and Substance Use among Hispanic Adolescents. Health Education & Behavior.
Mayi, B., Sternglanz, R. W., Aldana, N.*, & Menon, M. (In press.) Psychological correlates of arbovirus preventive health behavior. Journal of Public Health.
McDowell, J.** & Starratt, V. G. (2019). Experimental examination and extension of the cheerleader effect. Personality and Individual Differences, 147, 245-249.
McDowell, J.** & Starratt, V. G. (2021). Positive correlation between high mate value and slow life history strategy is moderated by trait heritability. Biodemography and Social Biology, 66, 27-39.
Menon, M. & Gorman, S.** (2020). Gender Identity Development. In N.A. Jones, M. Platt, K. D. Mize & J. Hardin (Eds.), Conducting Research in Developmental Psychology, Routledge/Taylor-Francis Publishers. ISBN 9780367340223
Munroe, C.D.*, Kibler, J.L., Ma, M., Dollar, K.M., & Coleman, M. (2010). The relationship between posttraumatic stress symptoms and sexual risk: Examining potential mechanisms. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, 2, 49-53.
Olivera I.E.*, Fins K.C.*, Rodriguez S.A.*, Abiff S.K.*, Tartar J.L., Tartar A. (2016). Glycoside hydrolases family 20 (GH20) represent putative virulence factors that are shared by animal pathogenic oomycetes, but are absent in phytopathogens. BMC Microbiol, 16(1), 232.
Serrano J.**, Banks J.B., Fagan T.J., Tartar J.L. (2019). The influence of Val158Met COMT on physiological stress responsivity. Stress, Dec 26, 1-4.
Silver T., Ellerbroek A., Peacock C.A., Knafo S.M., Tartar, J.L., Antonio J. (2018). High and Low Impact Physical Activity Positively Influences Female Bone Density, Journal of Exercise and Nutrition, 1(5).
Smith R.P., Easson C., Lyle S.M.**, Kapoor R.**, Donnelly C.**, Parikh E.*, Lopez J.V., Tartar J.L. (2019). Gut microbiome diversity is associated with sleep physiology in humans. PLoS One, (14)10, e0222394.
Starratt, V. G. & Zambrano, R.** (2022). Healthy, wealthy, wise, and social: Defining and testing a comprehensive model of resources. Personality and Individual Differences, 184.
Sternglanz, R. W., Morris, W. L., & Makiyil, J.* (2014). Deception research: DePaulo, Bella. In T. R. Levine (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Deception (Vol. 1, pp. 284-286). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Sternglanz, R. W., Morris, W. L., Braverman, J.*, & Morrow, M.** (in preparation). Meta-analyses in deception research. In T. Docan-Morgan (Ed.), Handbook of Deceptive Communication. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Sternglanz, R. W., Morris, W. L., Morrow, M.**, & Braverman, J.* (2019.) A review of meta-analyses about deception detection. In T. Docan-Morgan (Ed.), Palgrave handbook of deceptive communication (pp. 303-326). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Tartar J.L., Cabrerra D.**, Thomas J.**., Knafo S.*., Peacock C.A. (2020). The “Warrior” COMT Val/Met Genotype Occurs in Greater Frequencies in Mixed Martial Arts Fighters Relative to Controls. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 19, 38-42.
Tartar J.L., Kalman D., Hewlings S. (2019). A prospective study evaluating the effects of a nutritional supplement intervention on cognition, mood states, and mental performance in video gamers. Nutrients, 11(10), pii: E2326.
Tartar J.L., Salzmann S.*, Pierreulus R.*, Antonio J. (2018). Acute Aerobic Exercise Decreases a Neurophysiological Response to Emotionally Negative Stimuli. Journal of Exercise and Nutrition, 1(5).
Tartar J.L., Serrano J.M.**, Thompson K.**, Thomas J.D.**, Banks J.B. (2020). Sex Matters: Anxiety and Aggression Predict Cortisol Responsivity in Men but not Women. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 41(7), 101-108.
Tartar, J.L., Hifferann, F. S.*, Freitas, K.E.**, Fins, A.I., Banks, J.B. (2021). A Functional Adenosine Deaminase Polymorphism Associates with Evening Melatonin Levels and Sleep Quality. Journal of Circadian Rhythms. 19(1): 5, 1–10.
Trivedi M.S., Holger D.**. Bui A.T.**, Craddock T.J., Tartar J.L. (2017). Short-term sleep deprivation leads to decreased systemic redox metabolites and altered epigenetic status. PloS one, 12(7), e0181978.
Viena T.D.**, Gobin C.M.**, Fins A.I., Craddock T.J., Tartar A., Tartar J.L. (2016) A PER3 Polymorphism Interacts with Sleep Duration to Influence Transient Mood States in Women. J Circadian Rhythms, 14, 3.
Viparina, B.L.*, Collins, W. M., & Boucher, L (2020). Working memory load selectively influences the STOP process in a stop signal task. Psychological Reports, 124(3), 1268-1281.
Acosta, J.**, Douglas, K.*, Doshi, N.*, Panameno, M.*, Tartar, J.L., Fernandez, M. Speaking two languages enhances auditory but not a visual neural marker of cognitive inhibition. Society for Psychophysiology Research Atlanta, GA. (2014).
Banks, J. B., Welhaf, M. S.**, & Srour, A.** (November, 2014). Brief mindfulness meditation training reduces stress-related working memory decrements. Poster presented at the Psychonomic Society, Long Beach, CA.
Berger, R.*, Collins, W. M., & Banks, J. B. (2013, November). Individual Differences in Working Memory Capacity and Eyewitness Identification. Poster given at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Canada.
Braverman, P. J.*, Morrow, M.**, & Sternglanz, R.W. (January 2017). Individual Differences in Deception Judgments, Personality Judgments, and Meta-Accuracy. Poster presented at the 18th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.
Collins, W. M., Sawh, A.*, Orsini, R.*, & Cohen, A. (2013, November). Source Memory Recognition is Dependent Upon Time of Learning. Poster given at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Canada.
Denis, R.*, Cantrell, C.**, Wells, J.*, & Sternglanz, R. W. (January 2011). Singles view other singles as sexy: The influence of relationship status on judgments of attractiveness. Poster presented at the 12th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.
Diaz-Albertini, K.**, Cortes, L.*, Simpson, B.*, Leeder, E.M.**, Kibler, J.K., & Ma, M. (2012). Drug experimentation and cultural values among Hispanic adolescents. The 119th annual American Psychological Association Convention. Orlando, FL.
Douglass, K.*, Doshi, N.*, Panameno, M.* Auditory but not visual ERP distinguish bilinguals from monolinguals on a non-linguistic Go/NoGo task. Ninth Annual Southeast Cell Science Undergraduate Research Symposium, Miami Gardens, FL. 2014.
Fernandez, M., Tartar, J., Padron, D.*, Harnisch, A.*, Pablos, J.*, Acosta, J.*, & Chocron, R.* (2011). Bilingualism is linked to ERP measures of inhibition. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.
Gold, S.N., Orleck, R.C.*, Kupperman, L.*, Burk, V.*, Becker, H.*, & Ma, M. (2011). Child-adult sex study: Adult sexual and psychological functioning. The 118th annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington DC.
Joshi, K.*, Kibler, J.L., & Ma, M. (2008). Elevated rates of hypertension in posttraumatic stress disorder: Results from the National Comorbidity Survey. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 35(Suppl. 1) 2076.
Keville, S.* & Collins, W. M. (2015, November). Working memory capacity and the benefits of mental imagery practice on a ring toss game. Poster given at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomics Society, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Kibler, J.L., Joshi, K.*, Ma, M., Dollar, K.M., Beckham, J.C., Lyons, J.A., Coleman, M., Brisco, K. & Banks, P. (2007). A pilot study of posttraumatic stress and cardiovascular risk factors among young adults. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 33(Suppl.), S175.
Kibler, J.L., Malcolm, L.**, Tursich, M.*, Ma, M., Greenbarg, R.*, & Gold, S. (2015). Cardiovascular reactivity in PTSD and depression: Hemodynamic patterning and task differences. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 49 (Suppl.), s11.
Kibler, J.L., Tursich, M.*, Malcolm, L.**, Ma, M., Joshi, K.*, Ramcharan, R.*, Greenbarg, R.*, Gold, S., Llabre, M., & Beckham, J.C. (2012). Body mass and lipid levels among women with PTSD, depression, or no mental illness. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 42 (Suppl.), B39.
Kibler, J.L., Tursich, M.*, Malcolm, L.**, Ma, M., Wacha-Montes, A.*, Lerner, R.*, Findon, K*, Greene, K.*, Gold, S.N., Llabre, M.M., & Beckham, J.C. (2013). Elevated blood pressure, less strenuous exercise and high smoking rates among young women with PTSD. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 45 (Suppl.), s268.
Ma, M., Kibler, J.K., Augustin, D.**, Malcolm, L.**, Tursich, M.*, Greenbarg, R.*, & Gold, S.N. (2016). Severity of PTSD symptoms and cardiovascular reactivity to stress. The 123rd annual American Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO.
Ma, M., Kibler, J.K., Tursich, M.*, Malcolm, L.**, Ketterer, J.*, Greenbarg, R.*, Richardi, T.*, Diaz-Albertini, K.**, & Llabre, M. (2013). Posttraumatic stress and cardiovascular risk factors among young women. The 120th annual American Psychological Association Convention. Honolulu, HI.
Ma, M., Kibler, J.L., King, A.*, Bartholow, B.N., & Durham, M.D. (2008). Correlates of HIV testing among African Americans. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 35(Suppl. 1) C105.
Ma, M., Malcolm, L.**, Marcoulli, M.**, Kibler, J.L., Brown, B.R., Mitty, J.A., & Flanigan, T. (2009). Religiosity and health among HIV-seropositive African American substance users. The 117th annual American Psychological Association Convention. Toronto, CA.
Ma, M., Malcolm, L.R.**, Diaz-Albertini, K.**, Lopez, V.L.**, Cortes, L.**, Barrientos, S.*, & Kibler, J.L. (2013). Cultural values and sexual risk attitudes and behaviors among Hispanic youth. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 45 (Suppl.), s47.
Ma, M., Vigil, A.*, Kibler, J.L., Marker, C., & Washington, S. (2009) Correlates of willingness to participate in HIV vaccine trials among African Americans: Examining regional differences in the U.S. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 37 (Suppl.), S60.
Malcolm, L.*, Kibler, J.L., Tursich, M.*, Ma, M., Greenbarg, R.*, & Gold, S. (2015). A Pilot study of cardiovascular reactivity in PTSD as a function of symptom clusters. The 122nd annual American Psychological Association Convention. Ontario, Canada.
Malcolm, L.R.**, Lopez, V.L.**, Sanchez, J.C.**, Allen, C.**, Kibler, J.L., & Ma, M. (2012). Educational aspiration and cultural values among Hispanic adolescents. The 119th annual American Psychological Association Convention. Orlando, FL.
Marcoulli, M.**, Malcolm, B.S.**, Lopez, V.**, Augustin, D.**, Leeder, E.**, Ma, M., Brown, B.R., & Kibler, J.K. (2011). Social support and psychosocial health among HIV-seropositive African American substance users. The 118th annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington DC.
Munroe, C.D.**, Kibler, J.L., Ma, M., Dollar, K.M., Coleman, M., & Brisco, K. (2007). Perceived sexual control mediates the relationship between posttraumatic stress and sexual risk. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 33(Suppl.), S181.
Orleck, R.C.**, Kupperman, L.*, Burk, V.*, Becker, H.*, Ma, M., & Gold, S.N. (2012). Adult functioning of childhood sexual abuse survivors: Pilot study. The 119th annual American Psychological Association Convention. Orlando, FL.
Orozco, N.**, Collins, W. M., & Boucher, L. (2013, November). Power Posing: Do Brief Nonverbal Displays Influence Attentional Processes. Poster given at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Canada.
Orozco, N.**, Rodriquez, S.*, Keville, S.*, Collins, W. M. (2014, May). Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely: The Impact of Power Posing on Self Control Depletion. Poster to be given at the 26th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, California, USA.
Panameno, M.* & Musgrove, M.* Does speaking two languages improve non-linguistic executive functions? STEM Research Symposium, Miami Dade College, Miami, FL 2016
Panameno, M.*, Delgadillo, L.*, Musgrove, M.* Non-Linguistic Executive Function Differences between Spanish/English Bilinguals and English Monolinguals. Florida Undergraduate Research Conference, Tampa, FL. 2016.
Shaikh, A.* Physiological Markers of Neural Inhibition in Bilinguals Compared to Monolinguals. Oral presentation at the first South Florida STEM Conference (3/16/2013).
Sternglanz, R. W., Young, M.**, Alsip, K.**, Makiyil, J.*, & O’Dowd, B.* (February 2014). Can people detect deception from thin slice communications? Poster presented at the 15th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX.
Welhaf, M. S.**, Hood, A. V. B**., & Banks, J. B. (November, 2016). Narrowing the wandering mind: The impact of an affect manipulation on working memory task performance and number of mind wandering topics. Poster presented at the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA.
Welhaf, M. S.**, Hood, A. V. B.*, Banks, J. B., & Boals, A. (November, 2015). A tale of three TUTs: The role of emotional valence in cognitive task performance. Poster presented at the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, IL.
Graduate students in the M.S. Experimental Psychology Program present their research in the department’s graduate research series. This bimonthly event is attended by faculty and students and is open to all who wish to attend. See below for the schedule, as well as abstracts of past talks.