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Diversity and Inclusion

We are Diverse. We are Inclusive. We are One NSU.

The College of Psychology at Nova Southeastern University is strongly committed to an inclusive and diverse college with equal access and opportunity for diverse individuals based on race, ethnicity, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, socioeconomic status, and physical ability. Our programs in Clinical and School Psychology are dedicated to active recruitment of a diverse group of students, faculty and staff, as well as to the integration of issues of individual and cultural diversity throughout the training we provide to students.

The American Psychological Association’s Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs (OEMA) recently awarded our doctoral program in Clinical Psychology the Suinn Minority Achievement Program Award (2018). An award recognizing excellence in recruitment, retention, and graduation of ethnic minority students.

Please navigate the various links below to learn more about our mission as well as some of the resources and initiatives within the Department related to Diversity.

View our Diversity Statement

Diversity Committee

Amy Ellis, Ph.D. (Committee Co-Chair)
Diana Formoso, Ph.D. (Committee Co-Chair)
Soledad Arguelles-Borge, Ph.D.
Paula Brochu, Ph.D.
Alexandru Cuc, Ph.D.
Donna Hillier, Psy.D.
LaToya Shakes Malone, Ph.D.
Ashley Stripling, Ph.D.
Angela Waguespack, Ph.D.
Jessica M. Valenzuela, Ph.D. (Psychology BEDI Council Representative and BEDI Co-Chair)

Diverse Student-Led Organizations

Ethnic Minority Association of Graduate Students (EMAGS) - Formed in 1994 by students interested in multicultural issues in mental health. Students lead training opportunities relevant to multicultural practice, as well as support and networking events for students from diverse backgrounds.

Hispanic Psychological Student Organization (HPSO) - HPSO was created to provide NSU College of Psychology graduate students with the opportunity to work with minority populations in the community. This program provides graduate students with opportunities to mentor younger individuals, learn and teach more about different Hispanic cultures, and fundraise for important causes.

Jewish Psychological Student Association (JPSA) - JPSA aims to meet the needs of Jewish students and the general student population by organizing training opportunities with prominent Jewish psychologists and community leaders, as well as support and networking events for students across the university.

PRIDE (Psychological Recognizing Intersectionality, Diversity, and Equity) - PRIDE is committed to promoting a welcoming climate for students with minoritized identities, with a focus on sexual/affectional (e.g., lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, questioning, asexual) and gender (e.g., transgender, Two-Spirit, non-binary, genderqueer, intersex, agender) identities, and non-minoritized students who are interested in working together to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the LGBTQ+ population.

Faculty Interests

Soledad Argüelles-Borge, Ph.D. - Adult caregiving issues, impact of culture on caregiving; best practices for writing a dissertation; impact of diversity on overall psychotherapy processes.

Paula Brochu, Ph.D. - Prejudice, stereotyping, discrimination, and stigma from the perspectives of both the perceiver and the target, including the processes underlying the expression of prejudice, as well as the consequences of stigma on human functioning.

Stephen N. Campbell, Ph.D. - General clinical/community psychology of social change.

Diana Formoso, Ph.D. - Risk and protective factors that shape youth development within low-income, ethnic minority families; family conflict, parenting, and child outcome and how they are impacted by families' ecological and cultural context (e.g., economic hardship, neighborhood risk, immigration and acculturation); intervention development for ethnic minority children and families experiencing adversity; the family lives and school experiences of immigrant youth.

Charles Golden, Ph.D. - The impact of gender, language, socioeconomic status, culture, and age on psychological and neuropsychological assessment.  

Jeffrey L. Kibler, Ph.D. - Health consequences of posttraumatic stress and moderating factors among ethnic minority populations; Health risks and perceptions of scientific research in ethnic minority populations.

John E. Lewis, Ph.D. - Intercultural psychotherapy and assessment; counseling and psychotherapy with prison populations; educational and vocational assessment and counseling; school psychology; international perspectives.

Timothy R. Moragne, Psy.D. - Minority issues; health psychology; community psychology; human sexuality; psychological aspects of AIDS; AIDS and minorities.

Barry Nierenberg, Ph.D., ABPP - Rehabilitation and Health Psychology: psychological factors in chronic illness, biopsychosocial aspects of wellness and disease, healthcare disparities, pediatric psychology, child and family adaptations to acute and chronic medical conditions. The business of psychology and professional credentialing.

Ashley Stripling, Ph.D. - Geropsychology, clinical training, research and advocacy, promotion of successful, healthy aging through advocacy and clinical interventions; understanding ageism, subjective aging, and the intersection of aging language and perceptions; combating ageist stereotypes; gerodiversity.

Lourdes Suarez-Morales, Ph.D. - Cultural factors in clinical research. Cognitive, environment, and cultural factors and their relationship to anxiety in youth.

Kayla K. Thayer, Ph.D. - Culturally-informed, evidence-based treatments for traditionally underserved populations, Spanish-speaking populations, Veterans, and other minority groups; sociocultural variables related to course of illness, symptom severity, attrition, and other mental health outcomes; how diversity impacts treatment-related beliefs and behaviors.

Jessica Valenzuela, Ph.D. - Pediatric psychology; Disparities in child health outcomes and health care quality; Chronic illness prevention and disease management; Psychologists in medical settings; Community-based participatory research approaches and academic-community partnerships for health.

Angela Waguespack, Ph.D. - School readiness and supporting healthy academic and social-emotional development in children, particularly those growing up in families who experience socioeconomic disadvantage; family-school-community partnerships and initiatives to support student learning and positive mental health; school psychology.

Student Capstone Projects and Research

Clinical Psychology

Directed Studies

Alfara, A, Arguelles-Borge, S, Stripling, A, & Brochu, P (June, 2018). Study on subjective aging and health among ethnic minorities.

Bachar, T., Moragne, & Brochu (August, 2016). Psychological effects of dating applications on members of the LGBTQ plus community.

Belfer, J., Suarez-Morales, & Formoso (June, 2017). Review of cross-cultural variations in prevalence of anxiety in Hispanic youth and idiomatic expressions of anxiety used by Latinos.

Belfer, J, Suarez-Morales, D & Formoso, D (June, 2018). Cultural considerations in the expression of anxiety symptoms in Latino youth.

Bernadel, R., Suarez-Morales, & Campbell (June, 2017). A cross-cultural model of post-traumatic stress disorder following a natural disaster.

Betancourt, C., Suarez-Morales, & Cash (June, 2016). Parental factors and their association with childhood depression among the Hispanic population.

Bigay, F., Arguelles-Borge, & Caproni (September, 2017). Explore effects of postpartum depression on Hispanic mothers.

Blanchard, B., Arguelles-Borge, & Campbell (August, 2017). Explore psychological interactions for refugee populations.

Blanchard, B, Campbell, S, & Arguelles-Borge, S (June, 2018). Mental health care needs and interventions for refugees.

Bougere, L., Brochu, & Wallen (April, 2015). Sexual orientation and mental illness in the military.

Cabrera, S., Suarez-Morales, & Valenzuela (June, 2017). Parental accommodation in childhood anxiety: extrapolating to Hispanic population.

Campbell, R., Nierenberg, & Wallen (August, 2017). Investigate the traits of resilience in several adult immigrant populations.

Campbell, R, Nierenberg, B & Wallen (June, 2018). Resilience factors in immigrant populations to North America.

Cardenas, K., Gold, & Arguelles-Borge (August, 2017). Empirical study investigating whether exposure to more than one type of trauma differs by ethnic and racial backgrounds.

Day, L., Faust, & Formoso (June, 2016). The effects of family transitions on externalizing behaviors of African American children.

Detscher, M.K., Cuc, & Moragne (June, 2017). Clinical implications for sexual minority Latinas and sexual orientation disclosures.

Elie, E, Campbell, S, & Arguelles-Borge (August, 2018). Literature review of tranracial adoptions and its effects on both the family and the child's development.

Fisher, C., Davidtz, & Dorfman (August, 2016). Exploring the association between race, aggression, and psychiatric diagnosis of severely mentally ill African American and non-African American males.

Goldin, B., Van Hasselt, & Formoso (August, 2017). Exploring substance use in Hispanic communities.

Goldin, B, Van Hasselt, V, & Formoso, D (June, 2018). Alcohol consumption in Hispanic communities living in the United States.

Hanks, T., Garcia-Lavin, & Del Rio-Roberts (August, 2016). Cultural differences and the diagnosis of ASD.

Holiner, C., Suarez-Morales, & Campbell (May, 2017). Treatment manual for Hispanic children with anxiety targeting parental accommodations.

Holiner, C, Suarez-Morales, L & Campbell, S (June, 2018). AYUDA Treatment Manual: Anxiety in Hispanic youth by undoing debilitating accommodations.

Lee, L., Campbell, & Dorfman (June, 2016). Cultural Competence in Clinical Care.

Muguira, S., Suarez-Morales, & Nierenberg (June, 2017).Mindfulness with Hispanic children.

Oporto, D, Nierenberg, B, & Acevedo, A (May, 2018). Hypogonadism in testosterone replacement therapy. A practical guide for psychologists.

Pena-Martinez, M., Formoso, & Arguelles-Borge (August, 2017). Examination of factors impacting mental health among Cubans to provide more culturally competent and effective services to the Cuban population.

Pena-Martinez, M, Formoso, D, & Arguelles-Borge, S (June, 2018). Social support as a mental health predictor in Cuban Americans.

Phillpot, A., Shapiro, & Walker (June, 2016). The presence of trauma in a forensic immigration sample.

Pho, C, Garcia-Lavin, B & Del Rio Roberts, M (June, 2018). The intersection of culture and autism spectrum disorder.

Portillo, I., Arguelles-Borge, & Brochu (August, 2017). Mediating factors for success in evidence based interventions with Latino populations in South Florida.

Portillo, I, Arguelles-Borge, S., & Brochu, P. (August, 2018). Mediating factors for success in evidence based interventions with Latino populations in South Florida.

Rassler, B., Davidtz, & Brochu (August, 2017). Treatment manual for religiously and culturally integrated treatment for Jewish women with eating disorders.

Rodriguez, M., Acevedo, & Campbell (June, 2017). Evidence based psychotherapy treatment for ethnic minority adults.

Spinner, E., Stripling, & Black (September, 2017). Measurement of anxiety in older adults.

Tabio, L., Nierenberg, & Van Hasselt (June, 2017). Review of cultural risk factors and prevention for stroke in Hispanics/Latinos: what we know, what we are doing, and what is lacking.

Toukhly, O., Campbell & Lewis (August, 2017). Effect of parenting and education system on mental illness in South Africa, Swaziland.

Vallario, M., Moragne, & Van Hasselt (June, 2017). Musclebound: examining muscle dysmorphia and body image issues in male homosexuals.

Varghese, C., Cuc, & Campbell (August, 2017). Investigate the impact of acculturation on Asian-American adolescents psychological well-being.

Walton, C., Davidtz, & Campbell (June, 2017). The impact of gender, race, and sexual orientation on clinicians' diagnostic judgments of borderline personality disorder.

Weisner, B., Suarez-Morales, & Formoso (June, 2017). Eating pathology and eating disorders in Hispanic populations: a comprehensive literature.

Williams, Q., Walker, & Lewis (June, 2016). Biracial and multiracial identity: an examination of the journey of stigma and privilege.

Zhu, J., Cuc, & Campbell (June, 2017). "Coming out" self-concealment and marriage: the well-being of gay men in China.


Conte, C. & Walker (September, 2016). Wrongful conviction, false confessions, and the underrepresentation of women - identification and analysis of female false confession cases.

Levy, M. & Delucia (September, 2016). Examining the effects of a brief 5-week mindfulness-based intervention for older adults.

Levy, M & Delucia, C (August, 2018). Examining the effects of a brief 5-week mindfulness-based intervention for older adults.

Schlaudt, V., Suarez-Morales, Nierenberg, & Black (May, 2017). Exploring mediators and moderators in the relationship between acculturative stress and internalizing symptoms in Hispanic youth.

Nagle, M., Shapiro, & Walker (not signed by dean) (October, 2017). Examining risk factors of female juvenile delinquency and the effects of child sexual abuse using a social development perspective.

Letourneau, B. & Sobell, M. (April, 2018). Alcohol misuse among operation enduring freedom and operation Iraqi freedom military healthcare professionals.

Major Papers

Capp, K & Stripling, A (June, 2018). A novel cognitive stress test for the detection of early alzheimer's disease in African Americans.

Conte, C. & Walker (June, 2016). Wrongful convictions, false confessions, and the underrepresentation of women.

Letourneau, B. & Sobell, M. (March, 2016). Exploring the relationship between military deployments to the middle east and subsequent alcohol use disorders in american service members.

Levy, M. & DeLucia (June, 2016). A critical examination of mindfulness-based interventions for older adults.

Millen, D & Walker, L (Juner, 2018). Female probation as related to women with a mental health diagnosis.

Nagle, M. & Walker (June, 2017). Examining risk factors of female juvenile delinquency and the effects of child sexual abuse using a social development perspective.

Schlaudt, V. & Suarez-Morales (June, 2015). Exploring Mediators and Moderators in the Relationship of Acculturative Stress and Internalizing Symptoms in Hispanic Youth.

School Psychology

Aucello, K., Valley-Gray, & Jones (August, 2019). Music therapy for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Damenu, M., Cash, & Valley-Gray (August, 2018). Generalized Anxiety Disorder in adolescent females: Recommendations for mental health professionals in schools.

Degiordany, N., Waguespack, & Cash (August, 2014). Haitian students in American schools: A literature review.

Garcia, A., Jones, & Sheinberg (August, 2017). Implementing individual and group educational sessions for parents of children with Autism and related disabilities: Effects on parental self-efficacy and implementation of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS).

Hoy, S., & Caproni (August, 2020). Postsecondary transition planning: A review for students with Emotional Behavioral Disorders (EBD).

Irizarry, G., Caproni, & Valley-Gray (August, 2020). Best practices in the treatment of children and adolescents who demonstrate characteristics of Borderline Personality Disorder.

Irving, L., Cash, & Caproni (August, 2018). Animal-assisted interventions as an adjunctive therapy for children with Autism.

Kamien, C., Caproni, & Waguespack (August, 2018). Postsecondary transition planning: A special review for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Lalia, J., Cash, & Jones (August, 2019). Emotion regulation mediates the association between childhood maltreatment and later onset eating disorders: The school psychologist’s role in prevention and intervention.

Rizzo, M., & Caproni (August, 2021). Post-secondary transition planning for students with ASD.

Salinas, C., Poland, & Cash (August, 2016). Promoting resilience and implementing school-based interventions for Hispanic children and adolescents.

Soares, L., Waguespack, & Valley-Gray (August, 2018). Home literacy practices and attitudes towards reading within the Hispanic community.

Spearman, C., Valley-Gray, & Jones (August, 2014). The impact of school reentry on the post-traumatic growth of children who have sustained a traumatic brain injury.

Srivasta, B., Valley-Gray, & Caproni (August, 2014). The training and perceived professional competence of Florida school psychologists in working with students who have sustained a traumatic brain injury: An exploratory survey.

Trainor, K., Valley-Gray, & Jones (August, 2015). Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcus (PANDAS): What school psychologists should know.

The Department of Clinical and School Psychology’s Diversity Committee, student-led organizations, and Continuing Education coordinators aim to integrate a range of diverse speakers and topics relevant to diversity including multicultural issues and issues relevant to underserved and stigmatized populations throughout the department’s series, seminars and workshops. See the calendar below for some recent and upcoming relevant programming in our department.

College of Psychology Scholarships

More info on awards and how to apply can be found here.

Multicultural Studies Scholarship - Available to students currently enrolled in the PsyD Clinical Psychology program to provide scholarships to outstanding students who demonstrate financial need.

Lane Family Fund for Hispanic Studies - Available to students in the clinical psychology program who show evidence of experience and support of Hispanic culture and community in South Florida. Preference is given to students who demonstrate an interest in psychodynamic psychology.

Leonard Roth Memorial Scholarship - Available to students in the clinical psychology program who demonstrate a career interest in geriatric psychology.

A. Gordon Rose Scholarship - Another View - Available to students committed to research and professional work aimed at increasing self-acceptance and community acceptance of gay people.

College of Psychology’s Humanitarian of the Year Scholarship - Available to graduate psychology students in any College of Psychology program participate in humanitarian activities and who demonstrate significant financial need.

American Psychological Association Student Scholarships/Awards

APA Dissertation Research Award - APA Science Directorate offers 30-40 grants of $1,000 each for students whose research reflects excellence in scientific psychology.

APAGS Psychological Science Research Grant - APAGS offers up to three $1,000 grants for innovative psychological science research projects led by graduate students and specifically related to diversity.

Travel Grants for Students of Color in Psychology - APA’s Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs offers a travel grant to help defray expenses of travel for students presenting work relevant to multicultural psychology at a professional conference.

Psychology Summer Institute Program - Program for advanced doctoral students to support them in developing a grant proposal, dissertation, treatment program, publication or program evaluation project focused on issues affecting ethnic minority communities.

Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy (Division 29) Diversity Research Grant - Division 29 awards two $2,000 grants to students who are currently conducting dissertation research that promotes diversity as defined by APA.

Society of Pediatric Psychology (Division 54) Diversity Research Grant - Division 54 provides one $5,000 research grant for students whose research highlights the importance of diversity in pediatric (child health) psychology.

Federal Funding Opportunities for Students

Mental Health Dissertation Research Grant to Increase Diversity - Available to doctoral candidates from underrepresented groups, with disabilities or from disadvantaged backgrounds to pursue research careers in any area relevant to the research missions of NIMH.

Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (F31) - The National Institutes of Health (NIH) awards this fellowship to predoctoral students for a proposed mentored research training experience in order to enhance the diversity of the health-related research workforce by supporting the research training of students from traditionally underrepresented groups.

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